Tag: Mahomet-Seymour Swimming


M-S Swimming hitting strides

BY FRED KRONER fred@mahometnews.com M-S sophomore Olivia McMurry and freshman Eden Oelze were individual winners in Tuesday’s four-school meet at Normal Community. McMurry captured top honors in the 50-yard freestyle, stopping the clock in 27.01 seconds. Oelze was triumphant in the 100-yard butterfly with a time of 1:06.30. They were […]


McMurry leads Bulldog swimming

BY FRED KRONER fred@mahometnews.com Mahomet-Seymour Girls’ swimming Sophomore Olivia McMurry was the lone individual winner for the Bulldogs in Tuesday’s 114-55 dual-meet loss at Kankakee. McMurry won the 100-yard freestyle and placed second in the 200-yard individual medley. Eden Oelze took second in two events, the 100 butterfly and the […]


M-S Swimming remains unbeaten

BY FRED KRONER fred@mahometnews.com The unbeaten (5-0) Mahomet-Seymour girls’ swimming team rolled up 105 points on Saturday to beat both host Charleston (89 points) and St. Thomas More (12 points). Two Bulldogs were victorious in two individual events. Olivia McMurry triumphed in the 200-yard individual medley (2 minutes, 38.36 seconds) […]