Tag: Mahomet-Seymour High School


MSHS Seniors lead Math Team to State Championship

Pictured aboveSeniors: Nick Morrow, Cassidy Waldrep, Jessica Berkman, Michal Strzebonski, Emma Amjad, Sarah Amjad, Archi Patel, Saloni PatelJuniors: Seth Honnigford, Colten Brunner, Gavin Williams, Nic Liagridonis, Riley Watson, Lizzie Stremming, Clayton Burkhalter, Samuel KnightSophomores: Mike Taylor, Matthew Simms, Clayton Kessler, Ella Tietz, Tony Huang, Xalina Ramirez Kennedy, Anthony Carpenter, Alexis […]


MSHS Recognizes Students of the Fall Semester

The following high school students received the Student of the Semester Award for fall 2018. Freshmen Nick Traficante Student’s ambition(s) or dream(s): I want to go to college and possibly have a career in creative writing.  I also would like to continue playing music. Additional Comments:   Always be true to […]