Pictured aboveSeniors: Nick Morrow, Cassidy Waldrep, Jessica Berkman, Michal Strzebonski, Emma Amjad, Sarah Amjad, Archi Patel, Saloni PatelJuniors: Seth Honnigford, Colten Brunner, Gavin Williams, Nic Liagridonis, Riley Watson, Lizzie Stremming, Clayton Burkhalter, Samuel KnightSophomores: Mike Taylor, Matthew Simms, Clayton Kessler, Ella Tietz, Tony Huang, Xalina Ramirez Kennedy, Anthony Carpenter, Alexis […]
Tag: Mahomet-Seymour High School
Driver’s Ed programs putting emphasis on importance of Scott’s Law
By FRED KRONERfred@mahometnews.com The message is getting through loud and clear. Brianna Suits and her peers at St. Joseph-Ogden are talking about it. So are Mahomet-Seymour teen-agers Addi Jones and Avery Seaman. Scott’s Law is one they carry in their minds as they operate vehicles. Suits learned about it in […]
Cheek named Superintendent at Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond CUSD #305
The Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond CUSD #305 Board of Education is pleased to announce the hiring of Mr. Shannon Cheek as the next superintendent of schools starting July 1, 2019 to succeed Mr. Kenny Schwengel, who is retiring at the end of the school year. After completing a nationwide […]
Google talks to Mahomet-Seymour Junior High students about internet safety
Roadshow is a term many junior high students have never heard of. DM (which stands for direct message) is an acronym that many adults have to turn to a search engine to understand. But when multiple generations turn to the internet, there is one common understanding: there are dangers out […]
Local scholarships provide unique opportunities for students
Not everyone gets this opportunity. With the rising costs of a college education, many families are collecting every penny they can get to make sure their child does not graduate with debt. Seniors are applying for scholarships here and there, knowing they are going up against thousands of other students […]
MSHS National Honor Society Inductees announced Wednesday
Mahomet-Seymour High School honored 90 junior and senior students as they were inducted into the National Honor Society Wednesday night. Since its inception in 1921, the National Honor Society has recognized students for scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Payton Dean Ade Noelle Kahawai’i Bailey Madi Jeanne Balbach Annie Wang Bao Ellie […]
MSHS Recognizes Students of the Fall Semester
The following high school students received the Student of the Semester Award for fall 2018. Freshmen Nick Traficante Student’s ambition(s) or dream(s): I want to go to college and possibly have a career in creative writing. I also would like to continue playing music. Additional Comments: Always be true to […]
Mahomet-Seymour High School Second Quarter Honor Roll
Mahomet-Seymour High Honor Roll Students Mahomet-Seymour Honor Roll Students
Tandy and Waldrep bring songs to life through sign language
When The Greatest Showman hit theaters, its anthem song, “This is Me,” hit the hearts of viewers. When Karli Waldrep and Catherine Tandy hit the stage at the Mahomet-Seymour Variety show on Thursday night to perform “This is Me” in American Sign Language (ASL), they moved the crowd. Waldrep and […]
Four MSHS students participate in Rose’s Youth Advisory Council
The legislative process is something students learn about in the classroom, but rarely have an opportunity to see in action or participate in. But four students from Mahomet-Seymour High School joined dozens of high school students from the Illinois 51st Senate District to participate in a unique, hands-on experience in […]