Earlier this month, Champaign County Board Member Jim Goss provided a lengthy, inaccurate, and derogatory interview to the Rantoul Press about myself and the other Democratic Department heads. While Mr. Goss’ interview sounded like a campaign speech, there were some parts that really stood out to me. For example, he said the […]
Tag: Commentary
Commentary: The one thing you should read this week
By FRED KRONER fred@mahometnews.com If you read nothing else this week, read this. If you share nothing else this week, share this. It’s a brief look at where those of us in the media business have been, where we’re at now and how we’ve moved from the past and are […]
Commentary: Trading Pride and Confidence for Humility
BY JASON SCHIFO The older I get, and the more I read the Bible, I see that the one thing God desires in us is humility. I wish I could have said that this is easy, but being humble is a challenge, especially because honestly, pride is a big part […]
Commentary: The Human Race
BY JASON SCHIFO In the summer of 2018, my family and I had the opportunity to attend a lecture at Answers in Genesis, given by Ken Hamm, its founding director. While I don’t agree with Ken Hamm on a number of topics and issues, the lecture he gave on race […]
Brogan’s Corner: Making it to the summit
BY BROGAN HENNESY On my annual trip to Colorado, I did something that I have never done before: I climbed a 14,000 ft mountain. When I was first asked if I wanted to climb a mountain to spread Epilepsy awareness, I was all for it. I had visited Colorado for […]
Commentary: Looking at the ingredients that cause violence
BY JASON SCHIFO Last year my wife was away on a missions trip, and my son needed to make treats for his student ministry night. My wife had sent him a tried and true recipe for S’more‘s bars, a real winner in every setting. As he set himself to the […]
Commentary: Christians are God’s messengers, not God’s editors
BY JASON SCHIFO We hear a lot about “fake news” these days, and I think we all would agree that fake news is, well, bad news. This is important to all of us, and especially for those of us who call ourselves Christians. Those who have a clear message of […]
Commentary: Who are we to decide who lives and dies?
By FRED KRONER fred@mahometnews.com I will never be chosen to serve on a jury for a case that could require capital punishment. I don’t believe the death penalty is ever the correct option. As I count the pros and cons, however, there are certainly many more reasons to justify not […]
Commentary: Fear of intimacy in our culture
BY JASON SCHIFO Author John Eldredge, in his book “The Sacred Romance”, shares the pain of not belonging: “Being left out is one of life’s most painful experiences. I remember the daily fourth-grade torture of waiting in line while the captains chose their teams for the kickball games. As each […]
Commentary: Why do bad things happen?
BY JASON SCHIFO Why do bad things happen? That is quite a question, isn’t it? We ask that question because we believe that if we can answer it we will be able to tolerate difficult seasons of life. So we look for explanations and answers for why bad things happen, […]