BY DANI The Champaign County Forest Preserve District is ready to develop a five-year strategic plan that will take its vision into 2025. But first, they are looking for input from their constituents in Champaign County. The process, which began in the fall of 2018, will come to a […]
Tag: Champaign County Forest Preserve
CCFPD looks for community input on strategic plan
The Champaign County Forest Preserve is looking for input from the Champaign County community as it looks to update its strategic plan. In order to gather vital insight from residents, the CCFPD will host two public meetings in October. The District is looking for input that helps them develop a […]
Prairie Stories at Museum of Grand Prairie Saturday
Go back in time and experience what life was like in nineteenth-century east-central Illinois at Prairie Stories at the Museum of the Grand Prairie from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on September 14. The day begins with artisan demonstrations (including blacksmithing featuring renowned blacksmiths from Colonial Williamsburg) and outdoor cooking. […]
CCFPD ready to open Botanical Garden Water Feature
The Champaign County Forest Preserve will show off the Mabery Gelvin Botanical Garden‘s newly renovated waterfall in a ceremony on Sept. 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The year-long reconstruction of the popular feature will end with hors d’oveuvres, music, and a cash bar at the Lake of the Woods […]
Water feature at Mabery Gelvin Botanical Garden to open soon
By FRED KRONER After a year of reconstruction and renovation, the pond and waterfall area at Mabery Gelvin Botanical Garden is nearly ready to re-open. Tuesday was devoted to the laying of approximately 8,000 square feet of sod that will surround the one-half acre pond. A private re-dedication for […]
Take Me Fishing at Lake of the Woods on July 27
BY DANI TIETZ The Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve will host Take Me Fishing on July 27 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Boathouse Peninsula. The Champaign County Forest Preserve puts on family-friendly fishing events throughout its parks each year to promote the park system and to encourage children […]
Let’s Take a Hike: Finding the Right Path on the Timberdoodle Trail
BY DANI TIETZ Homer, Ill. – There are things we all want to see during our lifetime: children giggling while they build a sandcastle, the way the sun shines down on the world when we are looking at it from the top of a mountain, the skyline of a […]
Let’s Take a Hike: Horsetails at Riverbend Forest Preserve
Mahomet, Ill. – There’s much to be said for being under a tree canopy or brushing your fingertips on top of grasses that are waist high. CCFPD’s Riverbend Forest Preserve is known for its lakes created after sand and gravel mining were complete. But surrounding the lakes, which are trails […]
Kilborn Alley to perform at Homer Lake Sunday
BY DANI TIETZ Grunge. Hip Hop. R&B. Heavy Metal. Rock. Rap. The 1990’s were all about music. Champaign natives Andrew Duncanson, Josh Stimmel and Chris Breen began their band, Kilborn Alley, in 1999. They had no idea where their talent might take them. Producing blues music for 19 years, […]
CCFPD invites community to celebrate International Dark Sky Park at Middle Fork
BY DANI Looking at a friend in a coffee shop, listening to the wind run between the leaves, feeling the sun’s warmth in the middle of summer. There are many ways within a day’s drive that humans are able to connect with something bigger than self. One of the […]