
St. Jude Monticello-to-Peoria Run seeks runners

The St. Jude Monticello-to-Peoria Run is looking for runners with a heart for St. Jude.

Founded in 2012, this year the team celebrates its 10th year running for the kids of St. Jude. The team also celebrates another special milestone this year; they will break the $500,000 mark in their cumulative fundraising. Founded by Tricia Shaw, this run was put in place to honor her niece, Halle Bloom. After Halle was diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 3, Tricia was looking for a way to make a difference and give back. 

The 2022 run is scheduled for Aug. 5 and 6.

The team runs relay-style with runners running as much or as little as they prefer. There is a music van, police escort, and two charter buses accompanying the runners the entire way. 

This is not a running event; it’s a fundraising event, with runners pledging $1500 for the privilege of running into Peoria on run day accompanied by thousands of other runners. Once there, the runners see other cities arrive and see many St. Jude patients and families.

The Monticello St. Jude Run crew recently, held an “Orange Out” basketball game at Monticello High School, which brought in over $12,000 to honor one of our runners who died tragically in a car accident in November. 

Anyone who would like to learn more can visit www.stjuderuns.org and/or e-mail Tricia Shaw at shatr@sages.us

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