
Spring Trout Fishing Season to open April 3

The 2021 Spring Trout Fishing Season will open Saturday, April 3, at 57 ponds, lakes and streams
throughout the state of Illinois, including Lake of the Woods in Mahomet.

The Champaign County Forest Preserve District will open the main lake at Lake of the Woods for trout season at 5:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 3.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources stocks the main lake at Lake of the Woods with
approximately 1,155 pounds of rainbow trout. These are catchable-sized rainbow trout, in the 0.5-1
pound size range.

As part of the IDNR’s stocking program, fishing for and possession of any trout is illegal until 5:00
a.m. on April 3. Therefore, the main lake at Lake of the Woods will be closed to all fishing from
Tuesday, March 23, until sunrise on Saturday, April 3.

The lake closings allow the trout to disperse throughout the lake prior to opening. During this time anglers may still fish at Elk’s Lake, Sunset Lake, Shadow Lake, and the Sangamon River.

Once the season opens, there is a five trout per day creel limit with no size restrictions. No more than
two lines per person with no more than two hooks per line may be used.

Social distancing guidelines will be in effect; anglers must remain 6 feet away from other anglers who are not
household members.

A valid Illinois sport fishing license with an Inland Trout Stamp is required for anglers 16 years of age
and older. An Illinois sport fishing license is not required for Illinois residents who are disabled and
have a State of Illinois disabled I.D. card showing a Class 2 or 2A disability or a Veterans Disability
Card, and Illinois residents who are on active military duty and are home on leave.

Illinois 2021 fishing licenses and Inland Trout Stamps are available now at IDNR license and permit
locations, including many bait shops, sporting goods stores and other retail outlets.

For a list of locations, check the IDNR website at www.dnr.illinois.gov. No permits are sold at Lake of the Woods.
Fishing licenses and trout stamps can also be purchased online.

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