The Champaign County Forest Preserve has found a way to make the fall season special when many traditions have been canceled or modified due to COVID-19.
With a focus of getting people outside, CCFPD has created a Halloween and fall experience at the Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve with fall decor and a Spooky Trail, geared towards children and families.
This year’s Spooky Trail runs along the outskirts of the Mabery Gelvin Botanical Garden featuring lots of skeleton animals, fake gravestones, bats and spiders.
The district has also set up several spots where families can gather for pictures among pumpkins and a wagon.
The Spooky Trail will be available until Nov. 1 while the fall decorations will remain up until Dec. 1.
“We just hope it gives the people of Champaign another reason to get out and enjoy the outdoors,” Lake of the Woods Assistant Site Superintendent Michael Dale said.