
Something new, Mahomet Area Arts Society



Nikki Watson moved to Mahomet while the coronavirus pandemic was ravaging the nation and disrupting lives and livelihoods.

The one person in the region that she knew was her father, who lives about 20 miles away, in Arrowsmith.

Watson, an art teacher, was living in her third state in the past few years, relocating with her children from Oklahoma after having lived most of her life in Texas.

As she settled in, she looked for a way to make connections.

“I made a Facebook post, introducing myself,” Watson said.

One of the persons who greeted the Mahomet newcomer was Walter Pierce, the director of the Mahomet Area Chamber of Commerce.

It was Watson’s interest in art that prompted Pierce to reach out.

“He told me he had been trying to get an Art Society started,” Watson said.

A former classroom instructor who now teaches online, Watson can relate to the difficulty of trying to organize those in the arts and get them together for a cooperative venture. Some have likened it to trying to herd a group of rabbits.

“I get it,” Watson said. “When I was home (after a day at school), I wouldn’t want to do anything, either.

“Most (in the arts) would rather have a leader, someone to say ‘do this’ or ‘be there.’ That’s what works best for that group of people.”

Pierce was willing to take the leadership role. After all, the creation of the Mahomet Area Arts Society had been on his radar for more than two years.


For Pierce, it originally started with a search that led to a discovery not even on the list of what he was seeking.

In late spring of 2018, Pierce was helping the Mahomet Area Chamber of Commerce revive a weekly Farmer’s Market. Part of the process included checking in with surrounding communities to learn about their operations.

Pierce’s journey led him to Piatt County, where he also heard about the Monticello Area Arts Council.

That organization had a connection with Monticello’s Farmer’s Market.

“They had kids’ crafts and music during the market that brings people out,” Pierce said.

It sparked an idea for the director of the Mahomet Area Chamber.

“For two years, I’ve been trying to find someone (to take the lead),” Pierce said.

The lack of immediate success wasn’t discouraging.

Earlier this year, Pierce took note of Watson’s Facebook post.

Another light bulb went off.

Pierce contacted Watson and detailed his thoughts about getting the Mahomet Area Arts Society off the ground.

Two other area residents, Alexis Godbee and Shania Wright, had expressed interest in the venture as well. Pierce helped them get together.

“I laid the groundwork,” he said, “but they’ve taken it and are running with it.”

With Godbee serving as the organization’s President and Watson as the Secretary, the Mahomet Area Arts Society held its first function in October, a children’s pumpkin decorating contest.

Plans are being finalized for a family gingerbread house decorating contest that will wrap up in December.

While the women are making the decisions, Pierce’s influence is felt.

“He wants us to do everything,” Watson said, “but he helps in every way that he can.”


A Mansfield native, Godbee also recently returned to the area after going to school at Eureka College. She moved back in August.

“I was still following along with what was happening in this area,” Godbee said.

She was aware that the Mahomet Area Arts Society had been proposed in 2018, and wanted to learn more about the group once she was closer to home.

“I was a vendor at the Boneyard Creek Arts Festival that was at the Sangamon on Main building (in 2018),” Godbee said. “At that time, I was not living in this area so I was unable to attend any meetings and I just assumed the group went on without me, but when I moved back to this area, I reached out to Walter to see if I could be a part of the Arts Society since I was able to attend meetings.

“It turned out that nobody was really motivated to help him get the group going, so it never got started.”

In September, Pierce, Watson and Godbee launched the Mahomet Area Arts Society. Another charter member, Wright was unable to attend the first meeting.

“The first meeting we discussed the direction of the group and what we would like to do going forward,” Godbee said. “We got the ball rolling and are trying to get some other artists interested in joining us so we can offer a variety of art events to the community.”

The group hit the ground running, organizing their inaugural event within weeks and with little advertising.

“Our first event was the pumpkin painting contest, which we pulled together very quickly,” Godbee said. “Thanks to some sponsors – and Walter – we were able to offer free pumpkins to the first 200 kids grades pre-K thru sixth that registered online for the contest.

“We decided to have it be a painting contest as opposed to carving because we wanted the kids to be safe and be able to be creative on their own. We all thought it went really well, and we are hoping to do something like that every year.”

The various age-group winners had their names on a banner which was displayed at Yo Yo’s in conjunction with another event it was organizing.

“People were excited about it and that made my heart happy,” Watson said. “It gave them something to do and allowed them to be social at a distance.”


Watson and Godbee both believe it is important to have all forms of art represented, rather than just a few.

That’s a reflection of their assorted interests.

“I’m a creative generalist,” Watson said. “I like all forms of art, painting, drawing, paper mache, crafts, weaving. Anything creative, I love it.”

Godbee studied theatre, art and music at Eureka College, but said, “I have always loved photography. While studying it in college, I had an assignment to ‘start your own photography business’ and I just kept going with it.

“Photography is my full-time job when I’m not working full-time at my other job.”

Godbee has a Facebook and Instagram page (@AlexisGodbeePhotography), showing some of her photos.

In her free time, Godbee also paints and plays the piano. She was in theatrical productions during high school and college, but added, “since COVID, I haven’t done much theatre. My main focus is photography, but I have a passion for all the arts.”


The Mahomet Area Arts Society is busily planning upcoming projects.

Next up: gingerbread house decorating.

Watson envisions a different twist from the pumpkin decorating.

“It can be family entries so families can work together,” Watson said.

Once completed, photos will be submitted for judging. Watson’s hope is to “let the community help judge.”

Visual in-person viewings of the works might not be possible.

“I’m not sure how or where they could be displayed,” Watson said.

The Mahomet Area Arts Society is also working with the Mahomet Parks and Recreation Department to hold art workshops the first two Saturdays in December, which will most likely be conducted online rather than in-person.

Watson is open to whatever could help build interest in the arts in Mahomet.

“Arts need to be big in a community,” she said. “Being creative is something everyone should practice.”

She speaks from experience.

“I was a manager for 12 or 13 years, and I was craving to do something with art,” Watson said, “whether it was drawing or doing a project.

“If I didn’t, I would lose my spark. It’s something that is necessary.”

Increasing membership in the Mahomet Area Arts Society is also on the to-do list.

“We’re open to more members and will make a push on recruitment,” Watson said. “We definitely need more help.

“We want to help people, whether it is promoting their art or business, or if they want to be involved.”

Adding members is a priority, Godbee agreed.

“We are still looking for artists who want to be a part of the group, as well as those who want to be added to our ‘network’ of artists,” she said. “Another idea we had was to have a ‘network’ of artists available so that if one artist was wanting to collaborate on a project, then they have a choice of local artists to choose from.

“Or if someone in the community was needing a photographer, or a personalized coffee mug, or anything like that, then they could look at our page and see what our local artists had to offer.”

As the Mahomet Area Arts Society continues to grow, Godbee believes it can appeal to a wide range of people.

“Some of our goals as a group,” Godbee said, “are:

— to offer a variety of art events;

— to encourage and inspire creativity and artistic expression;

— to be a networking resource for local artists.”

The organization’s name emphasizes the diversity that is available.

“It’s ‘Arts’ because we want to do a variety – painting, drawing, photography, writing, etc. – so there is something for everyone,” Godbee said. “I think one of our goals is also to eventually be showcasing artists on our Facebook page (@MahometAreaArtsSociety), and maybe having them lead a craft or teach a little bit about what they do.”

More information about the organization can be obtained by contacting art@mahometchamberofcommerce.com.

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