A petition in support of the plan submitted to the board of education by the Mahomet-Seymour task force is circulating on social media.
“Mahomet-Seymour United for Teachers and Safe Reopening” asks the school board to consider 11 things:
- Invite tasks force members to make a presentation on their proposed reopening plans
- Fully accept the plans as outlined or provide specific feedback to the task forces regarding potential challenges and missed opportunities with the end result being revised plans for K-5 and 6-12
- Provide a fully remote option for families that are unable or unwilling to send their children to in-person school due to COVID-19
- Provide all students access to technology, internet, meals, and educational resources in order to support successful remote learning
- Allow teachers who are high risk, live with others who are high risk, or are caregivers for others who are high risk to work remotely
- Update student dress codes to require masks
- Work with facilities staff to ensure safety and sanitation measures are in place in all of the schools. This should include restrooms that are socially distanced, 6 ft distance reminders in common waiting areas, socially distanced lunch room options, no-touch hand sanitizer stations, sanitized classrooms, dedicated temperature/system check areas at school entry points, HVAC systems are properly functioning to ensure no air recirculation/only air from outside, and more.
- Partner with community members, businesses, organizations, and churches to combat logistical and space issues with creative solutions, such as the development of outdoor classroom spaces and the expansion of Kids Club for families in need of childcare
- Invest in the resources teachers need to provide exceptional education remotely to all students as well as resources, such as Zoom, that allow for better interactivity between teachers and students
- Provide additional mental health resources to students, faculty, staff, and administrators who are facing additional mental strain due to COVID-19
- Work with legal team and insurance representatives to ensure that the schools are following those guidelines as well as covering any liability that would arise from COVID-19 being spread and teachers, staff, and students falling ill due to school reopening
“As stakeholders in the success of Mahomet-Seymour schools, including but not limited to residents, family members, alumni, business owners, educators, and more, we acknowledge the challenges that the Mahomet-Seymour schools face in determining the best plans for reopening during a pandemic,” the petition reads. “We also acknowledge that if COVID-19 wasn’t a threat, parents would prefer a full 5-day school week—this is not what anyone wants for our children.”
The authors of the petition said recognizes that the task force thought about how to keep children, staff and the community safe in an uncertain pandemic.
“Children do not face the same level of health risks as adults due to COVID-19, but they are not immune, can unknowingly be high risk, and can face additional risk due to multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.”
“Increased exposure means increased risk to teachers, aids, staff, and administrators, which could not only result in serious and potentially long-term or fatal consequences but at a minimum could prove to be extremely disruptive to children’s learning due to teacher absences.”
Writers call the plan that was discussed by the school board on July 6, “consistent, well-planned, and minimally disruptive.”
To read or sign the petition visit: https://www.change.org/p/mahomet-seymour-school-board-mahomet-seymour-united-for-teachers?recruiter=1130022668&recruited_by_id=f66be470-c2d5-11ea-b31f-83fcd2d9f415&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard.