
Parks and Rec puts application in for IDNR boat access grant

Mahomet Parks and Recreation Department Director Dan Waldinger talked the Village Trustees about an Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) grant, which would help the Village comply with an IDNR request to make a parking lot located just north of the Sangamon River on South IL 47 ADA compliant.

In May, the Village was told in order to receive future grants from IDNR, they would need to bring this section of the Sangamon River Greenway path up to ADA standards. When Waldinger brought this information to the Village board, he said the project, which would include at least one ADA spot would cost the Village between $10,000 to $20,000.

Trustee Bruce Colravy, who is also involved with the Upper Sangamon River Conservancy, told Waldinger that the IDNR had a boat access grant, which would not only help with the costs of the ADA spot, but also give Mahomet residents a formal canoe or kayak access to the river.

Upon completion of the project, the IDNR would reimburse the Village for the $80,000 put into the project. Any additional costs would fall on the shoulders of the Village.

As presented, the project would include an asphalt or pug parking lot with 10 regular and  two ADA compliant spots. A five-foot wide concrete path would then be built from the lot to the Sangamon River.

Waldinger said this access point would be in a perfect location because those traveling down the river from Barber Park could get out of the river at this spot or it would be a great spot to get in the river before exiting at the River Bend Forest Preserve. While there are many man-made access points along the river, this access point would become the first legitimate access in a 30-mile radius.

Putting the grant proposal was a team effort, as Waldinger received help from Mike Daab at the Champaign County Forest Preserve and from his counterpart in Galena.

Waldinger expects to hear back from the IDNR sometime in the spring.

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