The best camera is the one you have with you. I have a fancy camera with fancy lenses, but my kids have become iPhone kids. Initially I struggled with accepting this because how can I have all this nice equipment, and not use it on my favorite subjects? Truth is […]
Other News
Images Hair Design Open House Saturday
Business is more than quality service provided at Images Hair Design. Owner and stylist Katie Gilbert, alongside stylists Cary Isaac, Theresa McNew and Kara Granadino also enjoy the relationships they have built with their clientele over the years. “It’s definitely a hometown feel,” Granadino said. “We are most definitely a […]
Early Childhood Center named Middletown Prairie Elementary
The Mahomet-Seymour School Board voted to name the new Early Childhood Center on IL-150 Middletown Prairie Elementary Tuesday night. The district gave the community and elementary students an opportunity to submit suggestions for the name of the new building in December. With 55 people submitting 76 names, a committee narrowed […]
First Baptist Church Youth come back from winter retreat
Eight youth from Mahomet’s First Baptist Church visited Green Lake, WI for a five day spiritual retreat over Christmas Break. The annual trip usually involves outside winter game competitions such as turkey bowling or broom ball, but students were kept inside this year because of sub-zero temperatures. Instead, they played […]
Middletown students receive age-appropriate technology training
Kindergarten students in Melissa Gibson’s kindergarten class learned how to take pictures and use art tools on iPads during their Media class Thursday morning. The half-hour class is part of a pilot program Middletown Early Childhood Center is using this year to see what whole-class technology education looks like. Kindergarten […]
When Your Child Is Eaten By a Teenager
It is hard when your child is eaten by a teenager. This is completely different than when your child is eaten by a toddler or when they are eaten by an eight-year old. Because at least then, through all the sobbing and conflict, you can usually talk reason into them. […]
MSJHS students listen to local author
Sixth grade students at Mahomet-Seymour Junior High listened to author Jaleigh Johnson talk about her writing process Tuesday afternoon. Johnson, who is eight years younger than her brother, said she grew up loving stories like “Charolette’s Web” and “A Wrinkle in Time”, but it was listening to her brother play […]
Busey Bank collecting peanut butter donations for Give Me Five program
Busey Bank Mahomet is accepting peanut butter donations for the Give Me Five backpack program at Lincoln Trail Elementary. Mahomet area girl scouts, boy scouts and 4-H groups are also donating peanut butter to the program. The privately-funded Give Me Five backpack program began in 2013 to supply needy Lincoln […]
Financial Peace University offered at First Baptist Church
Finances and peace may not be words paired together often. But Pastor Brian Romanowski has seen people break free of the bondage of debt by offering Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University at the First Baptist Church. “I’ve seen people who had $9,000 of debt paid off in 13 weeks,” Romanowski […]
MSJHS students look at career options
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a question adults ask young people, and something grown-ups joke about when they contemplate a career change. On Tuesday, January 6, about 230 Mahomet Seymour Junior High School students traveled to the IHotel in Champaign to a conference designed […]