After soccer practice on Saturday morning, my husband, who is a coach for my middle daughter’s team, asked me if I knew about Silent Sunday. I did not. Apparently, I’m late to the party. Silent Sunday has been a part of the soccer community for many years. So. He continued […]
Other News
How New Mexico reminded me of Mahomet
In the middle of January, when we were about to collapse at the thought of another snow day, my husband asked me where I’d like to go for spring break. Spring break has become our annual family trip. It’s the one week we take off work so the kids can […]
Village receives grants to extend multi-purpose paths
Mahomet residents will have access to a long loop of multi-purpose pathways through and around the north and east side of the Village before the end of the summer. A $53,200 Bicycle Path Grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources will help the Village extended the existing 10-foot-wide pathway […]
Village listens to community input on video gambling in Village
Business owners, religious leaders and community members gathered at the Village Administration building to discuss the potential impact of video gaming on the Mahomet community Tuesday night. In 2009 the Village voted to pass an ordinance against the use of video game terminals within Village limits while the state of […]
Village seeks community input on video gambling in Mahomet
The Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees will revisit discussion of video gambling within Village limits Tuesday night. The Illinois Video Gaming Act, which was put into play in 2012, allows up to five gaming terminals to be installed in establishments licensed to serve alcohol, truck stops, veteran and fraternal […]
Water rates slightly increase, Village to accept Visa
The Village of Mahomet made it easier for residents to pay their water and wastewater bills Tuesday night. The Village entered an agreement with Payment Services Network, Inc. to provide residents with the option to use their Visa card to pay their bill. Residents will also have the option to […]
Bulldog Bash to raise money for educational needs
The Mahomet-Seymour Schools Foundation will celebrate 20 years of providing educational resources to the Mahomet-Seymour Schools during their annual Bulldog Bash fundraiser on May 16. This year’s fundraiser will include a casual dinner buffet alongside a live and silent auction beginning at 6 p.m. The Foundation has collected five live […]
Money Smart Week begins at the Mahomet Public Library
Money Smart Week will begin Saturday as the Mahomet Public Library hosts Money Smart Kids at 1 p.m. Children ages 3 and up will learn the importance of saving money as Youth Services Librarian Kim Oslawski reads “Curious George Saves His Pennies” by Margret and H.A. Rey. The first 15 […]
Military Family Prayer Support Group meets for the first time tonight
Military families often find it difficult to find information or support when a loved one is deployed thousands of miles away from home in harm’s way. The Military Family Prayer Support Group, which will meet on the first Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Lutheran […]
Public Stuff app connects residents to Village staff
Communication between Mahomet residents and Village officials is now easier with an online and mobile program called Public Stuff. Village Administrator Mell Smigielski won a free trial of Public Stuff at a conference a few years ago. With public participation, the Village staff decided to adopt the service into the […]