A muddy soybean field with a clouded sunset behind the makeshift shed set served as ideal conditions for crews filming the independent film “Food” near Crowley Road Tuesday night. The movie, written by Director Daryl Wein and Zoe Lister-Jones, follows a single mother (Lister-Jones) on a mission to find out […]
Other News
Mahomet Specialty Clinic to provide specialty care in the Mahomet area
Gibson Area Hospital’s newest branch, the Mahomet Specialty Clinic, opened its doors at 1504 Patton Drive last week. Bringing specialties such as orthopedics, plastic surgery and sports medicine to a convenient location was a focus of Gibson City Hospital as they serve 57 area codes. “At least if we are […]
Taste the Rainbow! The Benefits of Colorful Foods & Salads this Summer.
You’ve been told your whole life to eat fruits and veggies, and for good reason. Studies show that eating fruits and veggies actually helps you live longer! Researchers have found that eating seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day could decrease your chances of death from any […]
Mahomet youth perform in “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” this weekend
Three Mahomet youth, Sydney Brown, Kenny Pauley and Evan Forbes, are involved in the Champaign Urbana Theatre Company’s (CUTC) production of “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” at Parkland College this weekend. Set in Oregon in 1850, “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” follows Millie, a young bride, who plans to marry […]
Board not interested in smoke ban in parks yet; MPRD seeks to increase athletic facility fee
Mahomet Parks and Recreation Director Dan Waldinger presented the possibility of “Smoke Free Parks” and an increase in athletic field reservation fees to Village Board members Tuesday night. The Champaign Public Health Department asked officials in Champaign, Urbana, Mahomet, Rantoul, Savoy and the Champaign County Forest Preserve to consider the […]
Sievers finds joy in giving back to Mahomet
When Andy Sievers and his wife, Lauren, moved to Mahomet they planned to stay for two years. Now, 27 years later, Sievers is a staple in the Mahomet community. The couple, both Indiana transplants, decided to buy a house in Mahomet nearly two years after moving to Central Illinois. Initially […]
Walker pleads guilty, sentenced to three years in prison
Mahomet resident Joshua Walker, 25, was sentenced to three years in prison Thursday. Walker pleaded guilty to entering a car without permission on the 100 block of N. McKinley Street in Jan. The court dropped charges on another burglary case and his probation from a 2010 burglary case was terminated […]
Frank Dutton Field to receive new press box
Coaches and public address announcers will soon enjoy a new press box at Frank Dutton Field. Crews began to tear down the current press box, which has been a part of the Mahomet-Seymour High School campus since 1981, on Monday. Once the structure is torn down, Ameresco will begin to […]
Sangamon’s Little Free Library open for student use
Sangamon Elementary hopes to encourage kindergarten through third grade students to read throughout the summer months as they provide books in the Little Free Library located at the front of the building. Librarian Amy Webb came across the Little Free Library concept two years ago. She held onto the idea, […]
Barber Park pathway construction underway; Waldinger and Pfeifer talk about pathway benefits
Within the next two weeks, Mahomet residents will be able to access another segment of multi-purpose pathway through Barber Park. Crews are currently pouring cement to construct the path. The Village received a $53,200 Bicycle Path Grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources in April to extend the existing […]