“Some days, it’s just managing chaos,” said Barb Baughman, a 22-year veteran of the Mahomet-Seymour School system. And on this particular day at Middletown Prairie Elementary, she had to find a last-minute substitute teacher, she had 15 students tardy because of the time change, and she had four students needing […]
Other News
Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit at MSJHS this weekend
Who blew the straw house down? Detectives Cindy and H.D. will dig to the bottom of this age-old crime as Mahomet-Seymour Junior High students present Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit on Friday and Saturday evening. A parody of the popular TV show, “Law and Order,” this Jonathan Rand play […]
Seven Health Problems Which Mimic Alzheimer’s Disease
If you are concerned about new symptoms or behaviors in a senior loved one, their primary care physician should be the first stop in determining what is wrong. There are a variety of common illnesses they will probably consider before making a definitive diagnosis: Medication Problems: Issues with medications […]
Mahomet IGA strives to provide personal floral touch
After 15 years in the floral business, there is nothing like adding a personal touch for florist Spring Pirtle. “I think the personal connection is important for me and the customer because, in general, people like to be remembered and to be acknowledged by our names,” she said. “I think […]
Busey hosts breakfast meet and greet to discuss business along Main Street
Busey Bank, located at 312 E. Main St., hosted a breakfast for Main Street business owners Tuesday. After breakfast, owners listened to Mayor Sean Widener and Village Administrator Patrick Brown talk about their vision for Mahomet’s business growth, business owners also had a chance to share concerns with the two Village […]
Tips for SPRINGING into Fitness!
It’s that time of year again—the snow’s melting, the sun’s shining, and your thick sweaters are about to go into storage. It’s the perfect time to reignite your motivation and do something good for yourself by SPRINGING into something new with your fitness! Here are 10 simple tips to get […]
Protecting yourself against financial fraud
As the senior population in the United States continues to grow, so does the scope of financial crimes committed against it. In 2012, the Census Bureau estimated that 43 million Americans are over the age of 65. Over the next 40 years, the number of seniors is expected to double. […]
Mahomet-Seymour School District ranked 25th in Illinois by Niche.com
The Mahomet-Seymour School District was recognized for its excellence once again this year as niche.com ranked the district in the top 100 schools in Illinois. Niche.com, which ranks schools and school districts based on academics, health and safety, parent and student surveys, student culture, facilities and extracurricular activities, among others, […]
Credit scores have impact on future
It is important to check your credit rating at least once a year. Our nation’s credit reporting system is far from perfect, and that is why it is up to you to check the accuracy of your credit rating. More than two million people each year find mistakes in their […]
Foundation and businesses provide scholarships for MSHS seniors
The Mahomet-Seymour Educational Foundation and Mahomet businesses and organizations are once again partnering to provide thousands of dollars in scholarships to Mahomet-Seymour seniors this year. On Monday, seniors were granted access to over 20 local scholarship opportunities, and Scholarship Sponsor Lisa Martin said the list continues to grow. The Foundation […]