Other News


Container Gardening Made Easy

                    It’s that time…get out there now and start your container gardens a’growin! From sunny vs. shady to thinking outside the container, check out these tips for creating gorgeous container gardens you’ll absolutely love all season long. Location, location, location It’s […]


MSHS first high school in Central Illinois to receive Mary Poppins performance rights

This weekend’s production of the musical, Mary Poppins, promises to be the most extravagant show ever performed in the Mahomet-Seymour High School auditorium. The show is elaborate both technically and by the sheer numbers of students involved. According to Carol Allen, head sponsor of MSHS Drama Department, the cast numbers […]


Illinois Turnaround: Board Status Update

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner has asked municipalities statewide to consider supporting the Illinois Turnaround Agenda within the coming months. The Turnaround Agenda is part of tonight’s Village Board Meeting agenda. Within the Village’s support statement for the Turnaround Agenda, the Village also slated support for Illinois Home Rule within the […]


Remembering Tom Meachum

Our friend Tom Meachum passed away this morning after fighting cancer for two years. Tom was very active in the community, volunteering time with the Mahomet Lions Club, at the Museum of the Grand Prairie and the Mahomet United Methodist Church, among other places.This story was published in 2013 when […]