The end of a school year can be a bittersweet time for students and staff. Kids and grownups alike look forward to more free time during the summer. But people also have to say goodbye to friends they won’t see every day. Sometimes friends move on during the summer. Every […]
Other News
My daughter is trying out for a team. What if she does not make it?
My oldest daughter, 14, will try out for her first athletic team this week. Her nerves are flying. My nerves are flying. She has eyed the possibility becoming good enough to be in the mix during high school since she was in third grade. She has spent week after week […]
Holocaust survivor, Mozes Kor, speaks of forgivness Friday night
Holocaust survivor, Eva Mozes Kor, spoke to hundreds of Mahomet residents, including the students involved in the 1997 Pop Tab event, Friday night. The evening marked the 18th anniversary of the Pop Tab event, which sparked national attention in 1997. Mahomet-Seymour Junior High teachers wanted students to understand the magnitude […]
Thoughts on Mother’s Day
So. It’s Mother’s Day. This could also be known as the day when moms all over the country follow their child to soccer, baseball, softball, track or the sport of that child’s choice to cheer them on. My two youngest kids play soccer, so that’s where I’ll be. I’m glad […]
Edible garden at Lincoln Trail becomes a reality
Does your son know what a carrot, still warm from the Earth from where it was just pulled, tastes like? Or is a carrot to him a “baby carrot,” which has been processed to a cute, uniform shape and packaged weeks ago? To your daughter, does a salad come from […]
Elementary schools to implement standards-based report cards next school year
After two years of research and planning, Mahomet-Seymour Elementary teachers presented their plans to switch to standards-based report cards for the 2015-2016 school year at Monday night’s Mahomet-Seymour School District Board meeting. In November of 2013, a teacher from each grade level in the Mahomet-Seymour School District attended a standards-based […]
Holocaust survivor to speak at MSHS Friday night
Holocaust Survivor Eva Mozes Kor, an Auschwitz survivor will speak at Mahomet-Seymour High School at 7 p.m. Friday evening. Friday evening will also serve as the 18th year reunion for the 1997 “Pop tab Event” where MSJHS students displayed a massive collection of 11 million pop tabs, which represented the […]
Container Gardening Made Easy
It’s that time…get out there now and start your container gardens a’growin! From sunny vs. shady to thinking outside the container, check out these tips for creating gorgeous container gardens you’ll absolutely love all season long. Location, location, location It’s […]
Carol Allen takes final bow as MSHS Drama director
Mary Poppins, the musical, is the story of a nanny who enters a household and takes the children on many magical adventures. In the end, she has a profound effect on both the children and adults in the household, and she teaches the entire family “anything can happen if you […]
Trustees table Illinois Turnaround discussion, purchase Toro mower
Village Trustees were joined by a packed house Tuesday night as the Illinois Turnaround Agenda was on the consent agenda. Mayor Sean Widener suggested the board table the topic for later discussion as a room full of opponents wanted to share their thoughts. The agenda was full of discussion topics […]