*Burgwald Eye Center and Jones Optical are sponsors of the Mahomet Daily. This content is provided as part of that agreement. Not all light is created equally. In today’s world, with natural and many forms of artificial light, we are surrounded with light 365 days a year. And while some […]
Other News
PetNet Meet the Mutts Event Saturday
[gview file=”https://mahometdaily.com/newmd/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/meet-the-mutts-flier2.docx”]
MSJHS Cafeteria Transformed for Broadway Show
The Mahomet Seymour Junior High cafeteria will be transformed in to the streets of New York City and Havana, Cuba this weekend while a cast and crew of students bring the musical Guys and Dolls Junior to life. Guys and Dolls hit the Broadway stage in 1950 and has had […]
Preventative Car Maintenance Helps You Get the Most Out of Your Car
*Bulldog Automotive is a Mahomet Daily sponsor. The following content is part of that agreement. Much like brushing our teeth or going to the doctor for yearly check-ups, regular preventative car maintenance can help a car owner get the most out of their vehicle. Regular preventative maintenance, such as […]
Run for the Library 5K and 10K April 2
The ninth annual Run for the Library will be held at 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 2 at the Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve. Instead of hosting a 5K Run/Walk the weekend before Thanksgiving, organizers decided to move the event to spring, adding a 10K Run for runners hoping […]
Sangamon and Lincoln Trail students raise money for Jump Rope for Heart
A blizzard the day before could not cool off efforts of Mahomet-Seymour Elementary school students to raise money for the American Heart Association. The annual occurrence, Jump Rope for Heart, is a national event designed to raise money, promote heart research and increase awareness of physical activity. Mahomet […]
My Two Step Program: My Workout at Mahomet Curves
*Mahomet Curves purchases advertising space on the sidebar of the Mahomet Daily. My decision to workout at and talk about my experiences at Mahomet Curves was not influenced by the advertisement on the Mahomet Daily. Instead, I chose to make a decision for my body and to be with my […]
MS Board approves initial plans for Middletown Park and MSHS renovations
BLDD Architects presented the Mahomet-Seymour School Board with design drafts for both Middletown Park and Mahomet-Seymour High School library, commons and auditorium renovations Monday night. The Mahomet-Seymour School board voted to put Middletown Park renovations out to bid again after bids came in too high late last summer. BLDD modified […]
Young Engineers Put it All Together at Lincoln Trail
The subject is Engineering. The professor writes a formula for Potential Energy on the board. PE=MGH. “Who knows what G represents?” the professor asks. “Gravity,” respond a few student voices. “Very good. Who can tell me the value for Gravity?” Students furiously look back through their notes, knowing they wrote […]
MSHS Library “hacked” before renovation begins
MSHS 2016 Phase 1 Library from Nic DiFilippo on Vimeo. With technology the way it is today, some may be alarmed when they hear the word hacked. But when hacked is used in relation to the Mahomet-Seymour High School library, the administration, staff and students were happy to preview changes […]