Other News


Hen House Veteran waitresses serve up heaping helping of experience

Photo by Fred Kroner Veteran Hen House waitresses include (from left) Rosana Rardin, from Philo, Vonna Chaplin, from Mahomet, Sue Easter, from Mahomet, and Charissa Hemrich, from Mahomet. They have a combined 73 years of experience working at the Mahomet Hen House and all have worked there at least 13 years. Customers at the Hen House Restaurant, in Mahomet, […]


Rose takes arguments for fair maps to U.S. Supreme Court: Sen. Rose Joins in Amicus Brief Filed in Support of Ending Partisan Mapmaking

Springfield, IL – Hoping Illinois’ blatant partisan legislative district map making process will someday be ruled unconstitutional by the Courts, State Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) attached his name Sept. 5 to an Amicus Curie brief filed in the United States Supreme Court. Rose joined a group of current and former legislators from […]