While many teenagers might be sitting at home watching their favorite television shows during the summer months, Kade and Kyle Kinnamon spend their summers performing the songs they have practiced during the school year and seizing opportunities that may put them on a path towards music or acting career. The […]
Other News
The Humble Hog, Market Street Events and The Harvest Ale House: How Benjamin Grice is working to bring downtown Paxton to life
We will begin by talking about barbecue, but really the story is about how Benjamin Grice is working to bring his childhood home, Paxton back to life. But first, the barbecue. With 20 years of culinary experience under his belt, Grice moved back to his hometown of Paxton with his […]
A Guide to Your Golden Years from Busey Wealth Management
Wisdom is often passed down from generation to generation, and we have a lot to learn from our parents and grandparents. After all, more than two-thirds of retirees wish they had done things differently during retirement planning, according to a study by Million Dollar Round Table. Here are seven tips […]
Porter promoted to Captain of USMC
John Porter was promoted to the rank of Captain in the USMC on July 10, 2017 at the Headquarters of the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team (FAST) Bravo Company, Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, Virginia. The Captains bars were pinned to his lapels by his parents and grandmother after Porter was sworn […]
Take Me Fishing July 29 at Lake of the Woods
Take Me Fishing will make its eighth appearance at Lake of the Woods this Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Boathouse Peninsula. The Champaign County Forest Preserve puts on three Take Me Fishing Events throughout parks within Champaign County each year to promote the park system and to […]
Mahomet Public Library Flash Mob logs over 50 hours of reading
Photo (by Fred Kroner): Zaidah Balbuena, 10, left, and Journey Alexander, soon to be 8, participate in the Flashmob Reading on Friday, July 14 at Yo Yo’s Frozen Yogurt. This was one marathon which allowed participants to turn the page and move ahead at their own speed. No one finished […]
Food Truck Friday considered a hit among attendees
Photo: Mahomet’s Erin Arends and her daughter, Maggie, 1, share a blanket and some food at the first Food Truck Friday on July 14 at Barber Park. The lament of residents in small communities is often that there’s nothing to do. Sometimes, what appeals to the older generation is considered “lame” by […]
Village of Mahomet Parent Network provides new way for parents to connect
For many mothers, especially those with young children, the days at home can be very lonely. That’s where Merry McKeown found herself in 2016 when she moved to Mahomet. McKeown, whose husband was in the military, moved to Mahomet after living in Atlanta, GA where she found connection through a […]
Mahomet-Seymour School Registration Information Provided by Dr. Hall
Below you will find information about registration (for both new and returning students), residency requirements, orientations, open houses and back to school nights. Goal of Online Registration We are in our second year of utilizing on-line registration. Convenience for our families is the main focus for the online process. Long […]
MSJHS provides fall try-out information
Before tryouts, please register your athlete on the 8 to 18 athletic website prior to any tryouts/clinic/practice. The website is https://mahometseymourjh.8to18.com. You will also need to have a current sports physical in the office prior to tryouts/clinics/practice. Here are the sports and dates: 7th/8th Girls Softball: Tryouts will be held on Monday, July 24th and […]