The following seniors from Mahomet-Seymour High School have been named Illinois State Scholars. To be considered for State Scholar eligibility, a student must be a US citizen or eligible non-citizen, be a resident of Illinois, attend an approved high school, Perform in the top one-half of your high school class at the end of the third semester prior to graduation*, and/or score at or above the 95th percentile on the ACT or SAT and also graduate from high school during the academic year in which you were selected as a State Scholar.
Not all students who meet the requirements are named State Scholars. In any academic year, approximately 10% of all Illinois high school graduates are named State Scholars.
Mahomet-Seymour High School
Berkman, Emily
Beyer, Samantha
Biegler, Nyah
Bletzinger, Matthew
Bushell, Ryan
Campbell, Ashley
Carpenter, Anthony
Carr, Zacheus
Chamorro, Belen
Davis, Mimi
Diercks, Colin
Ebbecke, Claudia
Elliott, Dalen
Fountain, Heidi
Fuoss, Kylie
Grote, Rachel
Headley, Alexander
Hegarty, Aidan
Huang, Tony
Jacobs, Kelsey
Kaper, Anna
Kessler, Clayton
Kittivanichkulkrai, Hannah
Knauff, Haley
Llano, Yasmin
Long, Ryan
Lundstrom, Nathaniel
Marriott, Colin
Marshall, Amber
Pillischafske, Adam
Ramirez Kennedy, Xalina
Ranstead, Ainsley
Renshaw, Daniel
Rittenhouse, Kazie Ann
Sampson, William
Schaumann, Dana
Schiaretti, Nicholas
Schwaiger, Emma
Shafer, Ella
Sims, Matthew
Stafford, Kaitlyn
Taylor, Michael
Tee, Gwenyth
Thornton, Amelia
Tietz, Ella
Trevillian, Aidan
Waibel, Addie
Webb, Jennifer
Wingle, Rachel
Wolters, Ella
Young, Alexis