All Illinois residents will have the opportunity to dispose of their hazardous waste products from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on March 23 at 115 S. Sangamon Ave. in Gibson City.
The event, which is sponsored by the Illinois Environments Protection Agency and hosted by the Ford County Soil and Water Conservation District gives residents the opportunity to dispose of fluorescent bulbs, medicine in liquid and pill form, household batteries, aerosol pesticides, cleaning products, hobby chemicals, oil-based paints, lawn chemicals, used motor oil, pool chemicals, aerosol paints, drain cleaners, paint thinners, insecticides, herbicides, antifreeze, pesticides, gasoline, mercury and solvents free of charge.

Latex paint, agricultural waste, ammunition, biological waste, business-sector waste, cell phones, commercial waste, controlled substances, explosives, electronics, farm oil, fire extinguishers, fireworks, hypodermic needles, institutional waste lead, acid batteries, propane tanks, smoke detectors, sharps and tires will not be accepted.