
Registration for One-Day Household Hazardous Waste Event opens today

URBANA, IL (March 7, 2022) – The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) will sponsor a One-Day
Household Hazardous Waste Collection on Saturday, April 9, 2022, at the State Farm Center, SE Quad
Parking Lot, in Champaign. The collection event is open to all Illinois residents; however, residents must
register in advance for an appointment in order to attend.

The advance registration website is www.hhwevent.simplybook.me. To register online, click on “Book
Now” and you will see all available 15-minute time slots for this collection event. Select an available
time slot and then enter the required information. Upon providing the requested information, you will
automatically receive a confirmation email and/or text.

Event organizers warn that latex paint, also referred to as water-based paint, will not be accepted at the
IEPA-sponsored Household Hazardous Waste Collection. Latex paint is not considered a hazardous waste.
The Champaign-Urbana Theatre Company may accept latex paint donations if the can is at least half full.
Email the manager@cutc.org for more information. Household quantities of latex paint can be disposed
of in the garbage if paint is completely solidified. To solidify latex paint:

• Remove paint can lid to add an absorbent (such as shredded paper, sand, kitty litter, or paint hardener)
or pour the paint onto newspaper.
• Allow to completely dry in a well-ventilated outdoor area away from children, pets, and ignition
sources. Once dry, dispose solidified paint and can in the regular household garbage.

Please review the list below regarding items accepted and not accepted at the upcoming IEPA-Sponsored
One-Day Household Hazardous Waste Collection.

Acceptable Items to bring: oil-based paints, paint thinners, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, old gasoline, kerosene, pool chemicals, cleaning products, mercury, household batteries, used motor oil, drain
cleaners, lawn chemicals, solvents, antifreeze, hobby chemicals, aerosol paints, fluorescent light tubes,
and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).

Items NOT accepted: Latex-based paints, agricultural chemicals, business/commercial sector wastes,
explosives, fireworks, controlled substances, propane tanks, smoke detectors, farm machinery oil, fire
extinguishers, institutional wastes, needles, and potentially infectious medical wastes.
Champaign County, City of Champaign, City of Urbana, and Village of Savoy are the local government
agencies that coordinate the annual IEPA-sponsored One-Day HHW Collection.
If you have questions about attending the Household Hazardous Waste Collection, or would like assistance in reserving a 15-minute appointment time, please notify please notify your local recycling coordinator:

City of Champaign residents: Nichole Millage, 217.403-4780 or nichole.millage@champaignil.gov
City of Urbana residents: Courtney Kwong, 217.384-2302 or crkwong@urbanaillinois.us
All other residents: Susan Monte, 217.819-4127 or smonte@co.champaign.il.us.

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