
Local scholarships provide unique opportunities for students

Not everyone gets this opportunity.

With the rising costs of a college education, many families are collecting every penny they can get to make sure their child does not graduate with debt.

Seniors are applying for scholarships here and there, knowing they are going up against thousands of other students with the same interests and experiences.

Their chances of being chosen are slim to none.

But a 20-year standing tradition at Mahomet-Seymour High School helps students cover some of the costs of their education by offering local scholarships.

Mahomet-Seymour Scholarship month opened on March 1 and will run through April 1.

Students can find and apply for nearly $50,000 of scholarship money by locating a scholarship that fits their interests by visiting mshscounselors.com.

Scholarships like the one sponsored by the American Legion Post 1015 looks for a student who is a relative of a Veteran, has a C average and is interested in pursuing a vocational career.

The Busey Bank scholarship will recognize a student who is attending Parkland College. The Mahomet Women’s Town and Country Club considers a student’s activities, career goals, and financial need.

After several local deaths in 2001, the scholarship pool grew to annually recognize local students who made an impact on the district.

Among the memorial scholarships this year, Tyler V. Atkins and Chris Craig will be recognized. Jacob Hamilton, Matthew Prather and Lee Jessup will also be commemorated.

While two or three recipients may receive multiple scholarships, local presenters try to spread the money around to a variety of students.

Students are not notified of their award before the ceremony. Instead, they receive a letter in the mail asking them to come to the Senior Award Ceremony.When businesses or organization calls the student’s name, the scholarship is a surprise to them.

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