
Money Smart Week begins at the Mahomet Public Library

Money Smart Week will begin Saturday as the Mahomet Public Library hosts Money Smart Kids at 1 p.m.

Children ages 3 and up will learn the importance of saving money as Youth Services Librarian Kim Oslawski reads  “Curious George Saves His Pennies” by Margret and H.A. Rey. The first 15 children will receive a free copy of the book.

“The story time encourages parents to talk to their children about money in a fun, educational way,” Melissa Libert, Public Relations at Country Financial said  “By keeping the book, parents and kids can continue to read and learn together.”

Country Financial Agency Manager, Vann Parkin said, “We see people who haven’t started to save money in their late 20s and early 30s.  Once people start getting their own jobs, they need to start paying themselves first.  When they are this young we can teach them about putting a few dollars away before they get their first paycheck. Hopefully, it becomes a habit.”

Money Smart Week runs April  5-12.

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