Bucket list:
A trip to Spain,
With Gary and Trudy Matthews,
Enjoying Spanish history, culture and cuisine,
Or touring wineries within the region.
The Spanish excursion, which will most likely be Gary and Trudy’s last, is another of the overseas trips they’ve offered in recent years to raise money for the Mahomet Area Youth Club.
The trips, which began in 2005, also included travels to to Germany, Hungary and Italy.
This year’s MAYC Boot Scootin’ Auction offering from the Matthews will include a chance to win a 2019 trip to Spain.
As always, the highest bidder will get to choose the experience for four additional buy-in guests, plus Gary and Trudy.
The first choice includes a family-oriented tour of Old Castile in Spain’s heartland, with a focus on history, culture and local cuisine. With the intent of taking families with Spanish-language students, the Matthews placed a tentative itinerary on the trip, which could coincide with Mahomet-Seymour’s spring break next year.
But, if the buyer prefers, the Matthews are also interested in introducing guests to the four major wine regions, including Rioja Wine Region in the Basque area of Spain, with a visit to wineries and tastings in each region. The wine tour could also fall outside of Spring Break, allowing tourists to visit during October 2019 (when the new wine is being produced) or most any time next spring, from March through early June.
Matthews said that once the group is identified, then a dinner is held at his home for the group to discuss options and finalize details.
Matthews other offering is a August 20-31, 2018 trip to the Czech Republic. In this unique opportunity to visit the Czech Republic, visitors will be guided by Gary and Trudy’s personal friend, Klara Moldova.
The tour will focus on people and local culture, as well as the history and beauty of her native land.
The trip to Spain and the Czech Republic will be part of the Mahomet Area Youth Club Live Auction, which will be hosted at Schroeder Farm, in rural Bellflower, on June 1.
If anyone is interested in more information about the trips or would like to purchase a spot on the tours now, call Gary Matthews at (897-6521) or e-mail at g_matthews@netscape.com.
All of the money donated towards the price of the trips go directly to MAYC. The Matthews have covered the actual cost of the trip.
[gview file=”https://mahometdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/SPRING-BREAK-IN-SPAIN1-1.docx”] [gview file=”https://mahometdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Spanish-Trip-Offer-1.docx”]
[gview file=”https://mahometdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Czech-Tour-Cover-Page.docx”] [gview file=”https://mahometdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Around-the-Czech-Republic-2018-Details.pdf”]