
Mahomet-Seymour students raise over $10,000 to send to Gifford

After tornadoes destroyed homes in Washington and Gifford, IL on Nov. 17, Mahomet-Seymour students returned to school on Mon. full of stories, questions and fear. Administrators and teachers within the Mahomet-Seymour School District were not only ready and available to listen to student’s concerns, but gave them the creative guidance to contribute to the relief effort.

“It was a great opportunity to turn their curiosity and fears into positive thinking and helping others in need,” Lincoln Trail fifth grade teacher Dana Martin said. “We talked a lot about how fortunate everyone was to be safe, and how although “things” can be replaced, people could definitely benefit from a helping hand during this difficult time of rebuilding.”

Lincoln Trail students started an awareness campaign to collect change to help  five Gifford families, who lost their entire home, belongings and had multiple children to care for. Through collecting change from students, family, friends and neighbors, Lincoln Trail presented $500 checks to all five families with cards and words of encouragement from the students.

“Each family was completely humbled and touched by the thoughtfulness and generosity of the students,” Martin said. “I was extremely proud that the students never asked for a reward or for anything in return, but selflessly gave every spare nickel or dime to help families they don’t even know.”

Mahomet-Seymour Junior High students participated in a “Spare Change Challenge” which raised $4671 in three days.

With a competitively giving spirit, students were encouraged to bring spare change into their first hour classroom.

While the average class size at MSJHS is 25 to 30 kids, it was Rita Jackson’s sixth grade class with five students who raised the most money with a total of $500.44. Jackson’s class was learning about how David conquered Goliath, even though he was a much smaller opponent. The five students dubbed themselves as “Team David” for the competition.

Jim’s Risley’s sixth grade class raised $478.19 and Chris Snodgrass’ sixth grade class raised $370.93. The classrooms earned apple juice and doughnuts for their efforts.

The Mahomet-Seymour FFA collected over $300 in change during lunch for Gifford. Three members of the Future Business Leaders of America volunteered their time in Gifford on Nov. 23. Brian Schwartzentraub’s business class also sent all the proceeds from their customizable t-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies sales to Gifford.

While students at Middletown Early Childhood Center are too young for a discussion on what happened in Gifford, the MECC staff put together a gift card basket for a family who moved from Mahomet to Gifford.

Staff at Sangamon Elementary initially wanted to donate bottled water, toiletries, toothbrushes and deodorant to Gifford after the tornado. When the staff learned Gifford needed monetary donations so residents could get what they needed, they decided to encourage students to donate “A Grand for Gifford.”

Over four days, the students raised over $3000 to donate to Gifford State Bank. The money was earmarked for the needs of elementary school children.

One Sangamon student received $5 from the tooth fairy during the fundraising event.

“She said, ‘The more exciting news is I just donated that money in the Grand for Gifford,” Principal Mark Cabutti said.

Cabutti said the students were really excited to reach out and help the Gifford community.

“We’re had two things back to back,” he said. “We worked at McDonalds a couple weeks ago, and raised over $2500 that night. We turn around two weeks later and collected over $3000 for Gifford. That just shows how supportive our community really is. It opened our eyes. We know that, but it was really nice to see how caring and giving they are.”

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