We have an amazing opportunity on Monday, August 21 to witness and experience an almost once in a lifetime event with the solar eclipse that will be happening in our area. We are in the 90-95% coverage area. Our teachers have been preparing activities and lessons for our students in order to fully embrace this teachable moment. The district has purchased safe viewing glasses as well. Students will be going outside to view the eclipse. If you wish to send your child with his/her own viewing glasses, that is fine too. It is never safe to look directly at the sun, and the day of the eclipse is not different. The sun’s rays are not different or stronger during the eclipse—it can just be more tempting to look at the eclipse as it is happening. I ask that you please remind your child(ren) about not looking directly at the eclipse without viewing glasses, (just as they shouldn’t look directly into the sun on any other day) and we’ll certainly be doing the same here at school when kids are outside.
We also realize that many families might choose to travel on this day to a location closer to the total eclipse. The absence will be excused for the day.
The following websites provide excellent information about the eclipse.
The University of Illinois Department of Astronomy 2017 Eclipse Website
The William M. Staerkel Planetarium Website
If you have further questions about the eclipse, please contact your child’s teacher(s) or principal. We look forward to seeing our students on Friday, August 18!
Very sincerely,
Lindsey A. Hall, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools