
Mahomet-Seymour School District ranked 25th in Illinois by Niche.com

The Mahomet-Seymour School District was recognized for its excellence once again this year as niche.com ranked the district in the top 100 schools in Illinois.

Niche.com, which ranks schools and school districts based on academics, health and safety, parent and student surveys, student culture, facilities and extracurricular activities, among others, named the Mahomet-Seymour School District the 25th best district in the state.

The district received an “A” overall, ranking high in academics and educational outcomes while factors such as extracurriculars, student diversity and facilities received lower “grades.”  Mahomet-Seymour serves 2,904 students overall within five schools.

Mahomet-Seymour High School came in at 89th of the 100 high schools named, receiving an “A-” grade.  Niche.com reports according to state standards 71 percent of MSHS students are profiecient in math and reading with a average graduation rate of 97 percent.

Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School also received an “A-” grade, but was ranked the 42nd best junior high in Illinois. Niche.com also ranked Lincoln Trail Elementary, which educates third through fifth grade students, 77th overall.

“Whether it’s the Chicago Sun Times, US News Report or niche.com that’s finding our results and the performance of our students and staff, it’s nice to know that we are highly thought of state-wide,” Superintendent Rick Johnston said.

Mahomet-Seymour High School was ranked 28th in Illinois by the Chicago Sun Times in November. The high school was also ranked 66th in the state by the US News Report.

Johnston believes the efforts of students, strategic staff planning and the way the Mahomet community values education has helped to build the district into what it is today.

“Those three things coming together is the perfect storm for us to continue to demonstrate high performance in different areas,” he continued.

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