Mahomet-Seymour High School’s Noelle Bailey, Annie Bao, Caleb Benedict, Colten Brunner, Paige Bundy, Clayton Burkhalter, Sylvia Byron, Anna Christensen, Evan Coleman, Lucas Creel, Chance Decker, Nathan Elliott, Kayin Garner, Timothy Glumac, Ethan Grinberg, Seth Honnigford, Amy Jassman, Erica Johnson, Jillian Jordan, Mrinali Kesavadas, Ryan Kieffer, Lydia King, Samuel Knight, William Larson, Cole Lener, Nicholas Liagridonis, Henry Livingston, Lydia Magyar, Armeen Mahdian, Julia McNaught, Caitlin McNulty, Charles Moore, Andrea Penrose, Mara Pletcher, Carly Raver, Haley Sahni, Isabel Schmidt, Britta Slupski, Elizabeth Stremming, William Stuckemeyer, Payton Turk, Riley Watson, Ryan Whitehouse, David Wilcoski and Gaven Williams have been names Illinois State Scholars.
Illinois State Scholars must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen who is also a resident of Illinois. The student must attend an approved high school, take the ACT or SAT between Aug. 1 and June 30 before the third semester of high school graduation, perform in the top one-half of the high school class at the end of the third semester prior to graduation and/or score at or above the 95th percentile on the ACT or SAT. They must also graduate from the high school during the academic year in which they were chosen as State Scholar.