The Mahomet-Seymour School Board adopted two new high school courses, AP Computer Science Principles, and Lifelong Wellness with Fitness and Food, Monday night.
The vote was 5-0 with Merle Giles and Jeremy Henrichs absent.
The AP Computer Science Principles will be a year-long introduction to a computer science course. Students with no previous computer science experience will cover making connections between concepts in computing, designing a program to solve a problem or complete a task, analyzing computational work, communicating ideas about technology and computation and working collaboratively to solve problems.
The course, which will be open to sophomores, juniors and seniors that have successfully completed Algebra I or concurrently enrolled in Algebra IB, will be part of the math department, and will result in a math credit.
Board Member Ken Keefe asked if the district had looked into how the AP course will transfer to different universities.
Director of Instruction Nicole Rummel said that each university handles AP credits differently: some colleges credit a low-level course in the same subject while other award an elective credit.
The Lifelong Wellness with Fitness and Food course will be a semester-long course offered to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students will alternate days with a physical education teacher and a family consumer science teacher. The two instructors will support students in combining personal fitness and healthy eating.
Students will receive a partial PE and partial elective credit.
Priority for both courses will go to seniors.
Rummel said that no additional personnel or resources would need to be approved for the courses.