The Village of Mahomet entered into a three-year intergovernmental agreement with the Mahomet-Seymour School Board to provide a Student Resource Officer (SRO) beginning in the 2018-2019 school year.
Mahomet Police Officer Bill Ward has been appointed into the position.
According to the contractual agreement, “the mission of the SRO Program is the reduction and prevention of school-related violence and crime committed by juveniles and young adults, combined with the establishment of positive relationships with students and families between the Mahomet Police Department and Mahomet-Seymour School District.”
District Superintendent Lindsey Hall said that the School Resource Officer gives the district, “another tool in our toolbox in terms of school safety and security. Our (the District and Village) combined philosophy is that this is about establishing relationships, having open lines of communication, having an officer be visible to all of our students and for all of our students to see that police officer function not always in the time of crisis or emergency. They are (also) there to help, to be an advocate and to give another level of safety in our schools.”
Board President Max McComb said that this isn’t the first time the district has looked at a School Resource Officer, but the time seemed right to do this now.
Board member Nezar Kassem said, “for several months we had citizens come, they had concerns about school safety in multiple buildings and they requested that the school board do something about it.
“This is a result of those requests from the community saying ‘Make our schools safer so our kids feel safer, so our administrators and our teachers feel safer.’”
“We made an effort to make sure we heard what you were asking us to do and I think that being able to get officer ward in our school district is probably one of the best solutions for that part of the problem.”
The SRO officer will be tasked to establish a trusting channel of communication with students, parents and teachers; to serve as a positive role model to instill in students; good moral standards, good judgment, respect for other students and a sincere concern for the school community; to promote citizen awareness of the law to enable students to become better informed and effective citizens, while empowering students with the knowledge of law enforcement efforts and obligations regarding enforcement, as well as, consequences for violations of the law; and to serve as a confidential source of counseling for students and parents/families concerning law-related problems they face as well as providing information on community resources available to them.
The agreement also states that SRO’s ultimate responsibility is to carry out their duties as police officers, as expressed and interpreted through the Mahomet Police Department’s chain of command.
In that, the SRO will also be tasked to enforce criminal law and protect the students, staff, and public at large against criminal activity; provide information concerning questions about law enforcement topics to students and staff; speak to students on a variety of law enforcement related topics including, but not limited to, narcotics, safety, public relations, occupational training, leadership, and life skills when the School District requests it and under the supervision of a certified teacher; coordinate investigative procedures between Police and school administrators; provide law-related counseling on a limited basis to students, staff, and faculty; handle initial police reports of crime committed on campus; take enforcement action on criminal matters when appropriate; wear an approved police uniform at all times or other apparel approved by the Mahomet Police Department.
“Although SROs have been placed in a formal educational environment, they are not relieved of the official duties as a law enforcement officer,” the agreement reads. “Decisions to intervene formally will be made when it is necessary to prevent any criminal act. Citations should be issued and arrests made when appropriate and in accordance with police department’s policies and procedures.”
Mahomet Police Chief Mike Metzler said that the School Resource Officer will often be in uniform and will carry a gun while on duty during school hours. Metzler also noted that Ward and Mahomet Police Officer Tim Elliot have recently attended training for the School Resource Officer programs.
The SRO will have the status of an independent contractor, and will remain an employee of the Mahomet Police Department.
Per the contract, the Mahomet-Seymour School District the district will pay 75-percent, covering the 9-months of the school year ($75,163.65), of the SRO’s salary and benefits. The first year the SRO will make $104,218.20 and will receive a 2.75-percent increase the second year and 3-percent increase the third year.
The district will use TORT funds to pay for their portion of the salary. The Village included the funds needed for the School Resource Officer in their 2018 budget.
The district is also required to provide the SRO with an office and an opportunity to address teachers and school administrators about the SRO program.
The SRO will be housed at Mahomet-Seymour High School, but will serve all district buildings.