
Mahomet-Seymour 3rd Quarter Luke Busch Award Winners

Luke Busch was a student at Mahomet-Seymour Junior High when he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. The Busch family established the Luke Busch H.E.A.R.T. Award in his memory.

Students are selected based on:  Helpfulness, Effort, Acceptance, Respect and Tolerance

The award is given quarterly to one student in each grade level at MSJH. Students are nominated by their teachers and staff. Our fourth quarter award winners receive a certificate and $15 cash prize.

Students are selected based on:  Helpfulness, Effort, Acceptance, Respect and Tolerance

The award is given quarterly to one student in each grade level at MSJH. Students are nominated by their teachers and staff. Our fourth quarter award winners receive a certificate and $15 cash prize.

6th Grade –  Taylor Mills, Daughter of Tecia and Nathan Mills 

Nominating teacher:  Mrs. Nicole Kelly, Art

I nominated Taylor for the Luke Busch Heart Award because she is a role model in the hybrid art classroom. Throughout the school year, I have personally witnessed Taylor demonstrate her ability to be helpful when her peers have questions, show effort in the work that she creates, accept feedback in order to improve her work, and model respect in the comments and actions that she takes both inside and outside of the classroom. This school year has been a challenge for many students and Taylor has exceeded the expectations placed on students in a hybrid learning environment.

What are your ambitions or future dreams?

Taylor hopes to become a dentist someday and help others out as she continues to grow. She wants to continue to be active in school and sporting activities throughout all of her school years; she is looking forward to this track season and spending time with friends and family.

Please share a comment(s) about your student or a favorite quote.

We are incredibly proud of Taylor; we are thrilled with how she has really matured this last year and taken all of the new COVID restrictions in life and school with stride. She has been a role model for her siblings and has taken on a lot of extra responsibility in having to deal with the new forms of school. We are forever thankful for Taylor and her continued smiles and bright outlook on life; she is loving, kind, helpful and is becoming a wonderful, mature, young lady with a bright future ahead. We are so thankful she was nominated for this award and couldn’t be prouder of our girl as she grows. 

7th GradeCamryn Nelson, daughter of Stephanie and Darrin Nelson

Nominating teacher:  Mrs. Laura Collins, Physical Education and Health 

Camryn was the perfect candidate for this award because she is quick to help, listen and show respect to both peers and teachers, and is always inclusive of others. Everyday Camryn shows up and gives her best self to her schoolwork, her peers, and her teachers. She has a radiant joy that spreads to all who come in contact with her. 

What are your ambitions or future dreams?

I would like to run a shelter for stray animals.

Please share a comment(s) about your student or a favorite quote.

Camryn has such a big heart for animals. She has never met an animal she hasn’t wanted to bring home. She loves all animals and would gladly take them all in.

8th GradeAbby Kieffer, daughter of Patricia and Jeffrey Kieffer

Nominating Teacher:  Mrs. Amy Higgins, 8th Grade ELA

Abby truly exemplifies the qualities of the Luke Busch Heart Award: Helpfulness, Effort, Acceptance, Respect and Tolerance. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to those around her, she gives her best effort in all of her work, and she treats others with kindness and respect. She helps create a welcoming atmosphere in the classroom, and I’m so happy I’ve had the chance to teach her this year.

What are your ambitions or future dreams?

I would like to be a nurse or go into the healthcare field.

Please share a comment(s) about your student or a favorite quote.

Abby is a wonderful young lady. She is responsible, a hard worker and always willing to help out in times of need. She has a big heart and a lot of sass, which is why we love her so much. We are so very proud of her! Congratulations, Abby!

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