Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School has announced the 2nd Quarter Luke Busch Award winners.
Luke Busch was a student at Mahomet-Seymour Junior High when he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. The Busch family established the Luke Busch H.E.A.R.T. Award in his memory.
6th Grade – Kaylee Guth
Parents: Jonathan and Kathy Guth
Nominating teacher: Mrs. Priscilla Hart
Kaylee is an exceptional young lady with a humble heart and a servant attitude. She is consistently respectful to both peers and staff, takes initiative in all things, and finds ways to encourage those around her. We are so grateful for her kindness, gentleness, and hard work.
Kaylee: What are your ambitions or future dreams?
I want to be a Christian musician, and spread God’s word through music. I’ve been inspired by Christian music all my life, and I now know that is what I want to do. Right now I play the piano and French horn, and I want to play the guitar. And I want to use those skills. I have to play those instruments in songs and/or in a band.
Also I’m not nice because I expect an award but I’m nice from experience. I have gone through a lot of things that have changed me that I don’t want anyone else to go through. So my goal every day is to make people feel accepted and like they have a purpose. But I do appreciate the award.
Parents: Please share a comment(s) about your student or a favorite quote.
Kaylee has a heart for others and it does not surprise us that others see that in her. She is always looking for ways to be like Christ to others in everything she does. She tries to always look at the positive side of things and encourages others to as well. She is wise beyond her years!
7th Grade – Audra Bell
Parents: John and Jody Bell
Nominating teacher: Mrs. Stacey Buzicky
Audra is a wonderful young lady who is a true joy to be around and have in class. She is a hard working, responsible and dedicated student. Audra is kind hearted, caring and thoughtful towards others. She exemplifies the traits of the Luke Busch Heart Award because she is a leader to her peers, helpful to her teachers, accepting of everyone, respectful and always sets a good example.
Audra: What are your ambitions or future dreams?
I want to be a lawyer that specializes in civil and political rights.
Parents: Please share a comment(s) about your student or a favorite quote.
Audra sounds like Luke in so many ways. On the farmette where we lived in northwestern Illinois, she loved riding our horses, naming our cows and calves, playing with her two younger brothers, our dog and cats and roaming the pastures and fields that surrounded our home. She loves musical theater and is active in the Champaign Park District youth theater program and MSJHS Drama Club. She is active in our church and lives out her beliefs. Her Kindergarten teacher in NW IL once described her as being like Snow White: she skipped happily everywhere she went and was a friend to everyone. We have heard stories from teachers through the years of her finishing her own work and then helping others unprompted, befriending new kids or those who seemed left out, and quickly coming to the aid of those needing help or support. We are deeply honored to have Audra recognized in a way that honors Luke’s legacy.
8th Grade – Kira Smith
Parent(s): Kimberly Smith
Nominating teacher: Mrs. Sarah Smith and Mrs. Nicole Hill
Kira is an absolute joy to have in class and we are lucky to have her as a student at MSJH. She is kind hearted, hardworking, determined and considerate to all of those around her. Kira is very soft spoken and does not do the right thing for recognition, she just does it because that is the type of girl she is. She is always willing to step up to help out her peers and teachers in any way possible.
Kira: What are your ambitions or future dreams?
I want to be an Occupational Therapist.
Parents: Please share a comment(s) about your student or a favorite quote.
Kira has a heart of gold and a mind with patience! Kira is full of faith and love.