Mahomet Public Library re-opens locker service
The Mahomet Public Library will reopen some of their services through the Covid-19 pandemic.
The library will begin to answer questions via phone support this week. Blocks from 9:00 am-12:00 pm, and 2-5 pm on the weekdays and 1-4pm on the weekends have been established for patrons to call in.
Staff will also continue to monitor Facebook Messenger and email accounts,
The Mahomet Public Library will also be reopening their locker service; items can be requested and picked up within 24 hours.
Materials available include those on the hold shelf or present in the library at this time. New interlibrary loans will not be delivered during this period.
To find Mahomet Library items, search the library catalog, using “My Library” in the “Limit By” field.
You can request items by placing hold requests through the catalog or by contacting us by phone, email, or Facebook Messenger.
Requests will be filled in the order in which they are received. In the beginning, it make take a few days for a request to make it to the front of the queue and be placed in the lockers.
Patrons will be called when the order is ready, and need to be picked up in the library lockers within 24 hours. The keypad and lockers will be cleaned twice a day. The library asks that patrons remember that the lockers and keypads will be touched by others, and caution them to follow proper hand sanitizing routines.
Book Drops will continue to be closed, so items may be kept with no late fees. Due dates are extended until June 7.