
Mahomet Garage Sales June 26 and 27, with Phase 3 modifications

As the Central region of Illinois moves into Phase 3 of the Restore Illinois plan Friday, a popular summer pastime, garage sales, will also be allowed.

In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Orders, no more than 10 people are allowed at a sale at one time and six feet of social distancing must be maintained. If social distancing cannot be maintained, face coverings should be worn.

Mahomet garage sales scheduled for May 15 and 16 were canceled when the Illinois Department of Public Health issued a statement that garage sales were not part of Phase 2.

Because of the change in Phases on May 29, the Mahomet Daily and the Village of Mahomet will move forward with hosting summer Mahomet garage sales, under Phase 3 guidance, on June 26 and 27. 

The Mahomet Daily will publish its annual Mahomet Garage Sale Guide, both online and in print. 

To be included in print, email dani@mahometnews.com by June 19. Late print submissions will not be accepted. To be included online, submissions must be received by June 24 at 5 p.m. All listings will be available online at mahometdaily.com.

Submissions must include address, date of sale and list of items for sale. 

One Comment

  1. It’s garage sales time. About damn time. Bring on the garage sales

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