
Mahomet Confidential Document Shredding event scheduled for April 19 through 23

Tens of millions of Americans are hit by identity theft annually.  To give people a method to dispose of their private documents properly, Rotary Club of Mahomet and Fisher National Bank are partnering to provide a Community-wide Confidential Document Shredding event. 

April 19 through April 23, 2021, people can deposit private documents in Fisher National’s locked confidential shredding bins.  These bins are retrieved by Confidential Onsite Paper Shredding (COPS), a National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) certified shredding company.  

Monday through Thursday, April 19 to April 22, the bins will be available from 8 am to 4 pm.  On Friday, April 23, the bins will be available from 8 am to 6 pm.   Each day between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm, Rotarians (you’ll know them by their Rotary Shirts) will be available to assist people with their documents.  

For small amounts of paper, people can personally deposit their documents in slots in the locked bins.  For larger amounts of paper, an employee of the bank will unlock the bin, raise the lid, and people can deposit large volumes of documents.  If someone wants to leave a box of documents rather than put the documents in the bin, an employee from the bank or a Rotarian will tape up the box and place it in a designated, secure area.  

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What will be accepted?  

A:  White and colored paper, newspaper, computer paper, envelopes, index cards, magazines, telephone books, paper clips, spiral notebooks, file folders, hanging file folders, and 3-ring binders.

Q:  What won’t be accepted?

A:  Wrapping paper, plastics, aluminum cans, paper coffee cups, food wrappers, Styrofoam, Kleenex, napkins, and Tyvek envelopes.

Q:  Is there a limit on the volume of documents people can bring?  

A:  There will be no limit on the amount of shredding that people can bring.  

Q:  What is the cost?  

A:  There is no cost to bring in the documents.  Those who chose can make a donation to Rotary to help with local projects like MAYC, dictionary distribution to third grade students, the bus shelter at Candlewood Estates, and international projects like furnishing schools in Nepal.

Go clean out those desk drawers, file cabinets, and offices.  HAPPY SPRING CLEANING!  

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