The Mahomet-Seymour School Board voted 5-1 to
move to masks recommended;
Hennesy brought up an IDPH guideline (Jan. 11) that says anyone who “test(s) positive for COVID-19 (exclusion), Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, must do the following: • Stay home for a minimum of five days and a maximum of 10 days after the first day of symptoms or the specimen collection date from positive viral test for asymptomatic persons. • Continue to wear a mask around others for five more days after returning to school.”
McComb said he wants parents to keep kids home if they are sick, and if the district were to require mask for those students, parents might send them to school sick. Henrichs said he was fine with moving forward with mask optional.
to exclude staff and students who are “lawfully” close contacts only who are recommended by CUPHD or IDPH;
Hennesy objected on the same ground.
cease mandatory testing of unvaccinated employees.
The district will not be testing or contact tracing anymore.
Member Colleen Schultz was absent. Jeremy Henrichs, Ken Keefe, Justin Lamb, Max McComb and Sunny McMurry voted for the measures. Meghan Hennesy voted against it.
A decision on the temporary restraining order granted in Sangamon County is expected to be reviewed and decided on by Feb. 16 or 17. If overturned, the district will most likely have to revisit the issue.