
M-S approves technology fee for fifth-grade students

The Mahomet-Seymour School Board approved $186,680.00 for the purchase of Chromebooks for sixth and ninth grade students from Trafera Tuesday night. 

The annual purchase of Chromebooks was higher than previous years, Director of Technology Jared Lynn said. He attributed the increase to rising prices throughout the market. 

The district still plans to recycle Chromebooks down, although the staff has found that after four years of use they Chromebooks are not always in the best condition. The new plan is to recycle Chromebooks for first and second grade students, and then purchase new Chromebooks for third grade students. Kindergarten students get tablets.

Just as Chromebooks follow a student during their time at Mahomet-Seymour Junior High and Mahomet-Seymour High School, the Chromebooks assigned to students in third grade will stay with them through fifth grade. The difference will be that those devices will be available for students to take home beginning in fifth grade. 

That change led to a $25 fifth-grade technology fee that was approved within Tuesday night’s consent agenda.

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