
Letter to the Editor: Will the Referendum Truly Solve Our Overcrowding Issues?

I’m really worried about the $112.8 million referendum plan. I know our schools need more space and updates, but I’m not sure this plan will fix the problem for long.

My family moved to Mahomet because of the great schools. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about the education and care students get here, and I want my children to have those same opportunities. But with all the growth in our community and the overcrowding issues, I’m concerned that my kids won’t get the same experience. They deserve the same attention, resources, and chances that students before them have had.

The district says the new schools will help with overcrowding, but they’re also telling us that these buildings will be full again in just 10 years. That’s not very long, especially since the referendum will raise our taxes for 20 years. I want my kids—and yours—to have the best education possible, with smaller classes and enough room to learn, but this plan doesn’t seem to offer that for the future.

Before we vote on this referendum, I think we need to ask if it’s really going to help our schools in the long run. Are we going to be in the same situation in 10 years, still facing overcrowding and needing more money? Or is there another way to solve this issue? Could the Village of Mahomet step up and help curb residential development? I also see that there is a way to help with sales tax money. This will give the schools the space they need and buy us all time to come up with a facility model that won’t just take care of the needs today, but the needs when my kids are in fourth, fifth, sixth grade and beyond. 

I love this community and want what’s best for all of our kids, but I think we need a plan that will work for many years, not just for now.


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