
Letter to the Editor: The District Should Also Prioritize Our Teachers

As someone who truly cares about the future of our schools, I’ve been thinking about the upcoming referendum and what it means for our students, teachers, and community. While it’s clear that we need more classroom space and improved facilities, I can’t help but ask—what about our teachers? The district is asking us to fund new buildings, but how are they preparing to support the educators who make our schools thrive?

Yes, we need a solid plan for additional space, but let’s not forget what’s most important: what happens inside those classrooms. Our teachers are at the heart of education. They dedicate their time, energy, and care to our students, and they deserve fair compensation for their hard work, especially with another round of contract negotiations approaching.

Just a few years ago, during contract talks, the district told the teachers’ union that there weren’t enough funds to meet their salary needs. Despite that, our teachers agreed to a modest raise. But with this referendum, a portion of their salary increase (for those who live inside the district) will go towards the increase in property taxes, making it even harder for teachers to make ends meet.

On top of that, the TIF districts that the district agreed to will take millions of dollars away from the education fund over the life of this referendum—money that could have been used to increase teacher salaries or hire more educators. As we look to renegotiate teacher contracts soon, it’s alarming to think about how few dollars will be available to support them. How will the district attract and retain quality teachers when they’re asking educators to pay more in taxes while receiving less support?

As a community, we need a solution that doesn’t just address space issues but ensures that teachers are treated with the respect they deserve. They are the ones shaping our children’s future, and if we don’t make them a priority, any facilities plan will fall short of its goal to serve our students.

I encourage you to consider the bigger picture as we approach this vote. Let’s push for a plan that offers the classroom space we need, but at a more reasonable cost—one that’s affordable for both educators and the rest of us in the community. Our children’s success depends not just on physical space, but on the ability to attract and retain the inspiring, dedicated teachers who fill those classrooms.

Riley B.

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