Mahomet-Seymour Families/Voters,
This spring, the voters of the Mahomet-Seymour School District have an opportunity to choose candidates to represent them on the Board of Education. When choosing who best represents you, your values, and the values of Mahomet-Seymour, I hope you’ll consider the long, rich history of Excellence in Education that we have enjoyed in this community because of the Boards and Administrations of the past. This election, like most, could have lasting impacts and will send a strong message to the Board and District about what is important to you, the voters and supporters of the M-S Schools and community. The Consolidated General Election is on April 6, 2021; however, there are early voting times published here – Early Voting Information | Champaign County Clerk – and, conveniently, you can vote at The Lake of the Woods Elk’s Pavilion between March 30-April 5 (times vary based on the day/date) if you’d like to vote early.
Core Values of Mahomet-Seymour Schools
I love this community and this school district, and I believe in the Bulldog Way and the Mission established by the Board of Education – “Community and schools working together to support the highest level of student learning.” (Board Policy Manual, 1:30) Additionally, the Board of Education has established the following values…
- We value a safe and secure environment.
- We value a collaborative partnership and respectful relationship among all members of our school community.
- We value all students and their unique abilities to achieve success.
- We value a positive, progressive approach to teaching and learning.
PLEASE VOTE – take time to read, research and review ALL the candidates and their history and take time to tune in to the Board meetings to see what is happening currently so you’re informed and can make the best choice for you, your family, your kids and our community.
Through viewing community forums and personally asking questions of all the candidates, I’ve identified a few common themes: finances; space/facilities; diversity/inclusion; and, board relationships/communication. It is clear to me that all candidates believe these are important issues and opportunities for the future in the District. The difference, in my opinion, is the path to address these challenges and opportunities. I’d like to propose that you consider a few things as you deliberate and decide on who you’ll support this spring.
- Consider whether you believe that slow, incremental change is better than sudden/dynamic change.
- Consider the importance of identifying root causes instead of proximal causes when determining the best course of action.
- Consider whether you believe the Board is the architect, the general contractor, the builder, the finish carpenter or the interior decorator. What’s your view/definition of the Board’s role?
- Consider the power of “focusing events” in our culture and society and how those events have created (or perpetuated) outrage and passion in the community.
- Consider the distinct difference between tolerance and acceptance. Tolerance is defined as “the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.” While acceptance is defined as “agreement with or belief in an idea, opinion, or explanation.”
- Consider the tone of the Board and Boardroom if all members could embrace the reality that different is not wrong and instead celebrated uniqueness.
As a lifelong resident of Mahomet, a graduate of Mahomet-Seymour, a parent of three MS students with a Bachelor’s in Education and Master’s in Public Administration, I believe the general direction of the Board is on target and is generally working as it should. The Board, in my opinion, has been focused on finances, facilities and diversity for years and has deliberately and thoughtfully been addressing those specific challenges and opportunities in an incremental manner which has and will continue to lead to meaningful and lasting, positive changes. The Board communications and relationships have, over the last two years, been strained, at best, and the lack of in-person meetings has not been good for communication and dialogue which has only compounded the issues. There is A LOT of work to do to begin to find common ground and build relationships and foster positive and fruitful communication for whoever is sitting in those seats after April 6 but I believe all the candidates will do their part to work together and become a better example to and for our kids, the teachers, staff and administrators of the District and our Community. Different is not wrong and differences of opinion are healthy; however, there is a general lack of tolerance for differences in the Boardroom which is in direct conflict with the Mission and Values of the Board and in direct conflict with the desire to celebrate uniqueness and diversity in the District that the Board has historically invited and exampled within the District.
I care deeply about ALL students and their future and I acknowledge and believe that the decisions of today will impact the futures of ALL students today and for generations. If you believe in the Board’s written mission and values and you believe in forward, thoughtful, deliberate, collaborative, cooperative, community-driven and community-focused consistent growth and change, the logical choices would be Justin Lamb, Max McComb & Sunny McMurry.
Take some time to look at the District finances. Take the time to learn about how the Board and District are working to engage the community in discussions about facilities and space with the Bulldog Blueprint group. Take the time to see how the District has been working and continues to work to address ALL definitions and aspects of diversity and inclusion. Making changes in government is much like turning a large ship with a single oar; change, in an organization like this takes time, patience, persistence, perseverance, cooperation and collaboration and I will be casting my vote for the candidates that I believe have best exhibited an understanding and appreciation of that concept.
Please take the time to do your own research and cast the ballot that is best for you, your family, this community, and District.
Joshua R. Jessup