I met Ramona Sullivan in 2018, when she was running to be a circuit judge. I was very impressed by her personal story, integrity, and qualifications. She came very close, but did not win the election for that judge position. Fortunately, the voters of Champaign County have another opportunity to elect Ramona to a position as a judge in 2020. Ramona is on the Democratic primary ballot for Judge of the Circuit Court Sixth Judicial Circuit. I urge my fellow Democrats to join me in voting for Ramona in the primary, and later in the general election. Ramona will bring an important perspective to the bench, as a woman, a mother, and an attorney with many years of experience in public service as a public defender and legal aid lawyer.
The recently released judicial advisory poll was based upon responses from lawyers with knowledge of the primary candidates for this position, including Ramona. Ramona was the only woman candidate who was recommended for the position by the lawyers who responded to the poll. As a retired lawyer, I believe this recommendation is important in selecting the right candidate. The poll shows that Ramona has the respect of the lawyers she has worked with over the years. More lawyers provided responses for Ramona than any of the other candidates and ranked her positively in all categories, with especially high marks for integrity and temperament. Ramona is superbly qualified and should be the Democratic nominee for this position.
Diane Klock
Mahomet, Illinois