Dear Editor:
I am a retired 4th-grade teacher. I worked with Courtney for 6 years prior to retiring. She has an amazing impact on every single student at Lincoln Trail, each of whom she knows by name. She provides them with the perfect combination of caring, compassion, wisdom, and fun! They love her, trust her, and know she truly values them. Personally, Courtney was the first person I would turn to when dealing with students having emotional or behavioral difficulties. She would come to lend her support and help so quickly. Courtney is not only quick to help children in need though. She is there for every member of the staff, frequently going above and beyond her normal duties to lend a hand wherever she can. She has a huge heart and has made a lasting and very positive impact on countless lives of children and adults. I have always felt that Lincoln Trail is so very lucky to have her passion and expertise. I ask you to reconsider your intent to remove Courtney from a position that she excels at. I believe it would be a huge disservice to students, parents, staff, and the entire Mahomet-Seymour community.
Thank you,
Lynne Dunn
Retired Fourth-grade teacher at Lincoln Trail