Congratulations to Iman Zainab Hussain for achieving an MBA on December 12, 2020 from Illinois State University.
From a young age Iman always excelled in academics and arts. As an older sister, she’s helped teach me in many subjects, even when it was difficult to accept her help she never gave up on trying. From the small town of Mahomet, IL she moved to California to attend UCLA. I can’t remember the number of times I called and FaceTimed her crying because of how much I missed her. And now she’s here, and before our eyes we saw her grow into an incredible young woman and my best friend. She has set an exemplary example of what it means to be a great student, daughter, friend, and sister and it is my honor to congratulate her with her MBA.
Our family is very proud of Iman and we wish her all the best for her future!
With love, from her family!