The Illinois State Police (ISP) Firearms Services Bureau (FSB) has announced an option for holders of FOID (firearm owner’s identification) cards and CCLs (concealed carry license) to receive notifications from the ISP by email and/or text message instead of by letter.
The new option for correspondence was provided for by Public Act 102-0237, signed into law on August 2, 2021, and was effective January 1, 2022.
The relevant section states:
“A person subject to this Act may notify the Illinois State Police upon application or at any time thereafter that he or she would like to receive correspondence from the Illinois State Police via email or text message and may opt-out of first-class mail. Such correspondence may include notification of the status of a person’s application, suspension, revocation, appeal, and other notifications concerning his or her Firearm Owner’s Identification Card (or, in the case of section 66/10.6, concealed carry license).
A person may request email or text message, or both. Any person selecting email or text message alerts must have either or both the person’s email or cellular phone number on file with the Illinois State Police.” – (430 ILCS 65/7.5 new) (430 ILCS 66/10.6 new)
“The Illinois State Police Firearms Services Bureau is working diligently to ensure the statutory changes to the FOID Act will benefit the people of Illinois,” said ISP Director Brendan F. Kelly. “We are pleased by the fact that this will decrease duplicity within the FOID and CCL program which will, in turn, save time and money for both applicants and taxpayers,” he concluded.
If an individual would prefer to receive correspondence from the ISP FSB by email and/or text message instead of by letter through the USPS, they can sign up online at the ISP FSB portal at
New Public Web Users (PWU)
If someone has not yet set up an online account, they should create an account by going to the ISP Firearm Services Bureau FOID/CCL Dashboard at, clicking Enter in the FOID CARD or CCL box to establish a new Public Web User (PWU) and creating a User ID and password.
After setting up the PWU, a user simply selects, “Yes” when they see the question, “Would you like to opt out of First-Class Mail…”
Existing Public Web Users (PWU)
If an individual already has a PWU, they need only login to their dashboard at and click on “MyProfile.”
Once there, the individual simply ensures they have a phone number and/or email address entered in the spaces provided, then selects “Yes” at the bottom of the page where it asks if an individual would like to opt-out of First-Class Mail communication. Then click, “Save.”
Additionally, FOID Card and CCL frequently asked questions can be found on the ISP webpage. The public can contact ISP FSB regarding the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act or the Firearm Concealed Carry Act at (217) 782-7980 or by email at
foid card renewal