
Illinois Trout Fishing opens April 4, fishing and hunting canceled on state-owned properties

While the Illinois Department of Natural Resources has canceled all upcoming scheduled events at state sites including, but not limited to, hunting and fishing on state-managed or -owned sites, local parks and forest preserves remain open for residents to enjoy outdoor space, exercise and fishing.

“Hunters and anglers who wish to hunt or fish during the ‘Stay at Home’ order may do so provided they have the appropriate licensing and permits and are hunting or fishing on private property or at sites which are currently open to the public,” the IDNR press release said. “We ask our hunters and anglers to help their fellow outdoorsmen and women by following all public health directives, including staying at least six feet away from other sportsmen and staying home if they’re exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19.”

Illinois spring trout fishing season opens April 4 at 5 a.m. 

All anglers must have a fishing license and an Inland Trout Stamp, unless they are under the age of 16, blind or disabled, or are an Illinois resident on leave from active duty in the Armed Forces. The daily catch limit for each angler is five trout.

The Champaign County Forest Preserve has announced that Illinois 2020 fishing licenses and Inland Trout Stamps will not be available at the Lake of the Woods Pro Shop this year. The Pro Shop is closed as a precaution against the spread of COVID-19. 

Therefore, fishing licenses and trout stamps should be purchased at other vendors or by using a credit card through DNR Direct online via the IDNR website at https://www2.illinois.gov/dnr/LPR/Pages/default.aspx, or by calling DNR Direct toll-free at 1-888-6PERMIT (1-888-673-7648).

All fishermen and women are expected to practice social distancing and bring hand sanitizer. Restrooms and port-a-potties will not be provided. 

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