Local, State of Illinois

Illinois motorists to see increased fees in 2020


Illinois motorists will see an increase in fees associated with vehicle registration and traffic offenses in 2020.

Motorists saw the first part of the “Rebuild Illinois” capital bill, which passed in the Illinois House and Senate to rebuild roads, bridges, public schools and university buildings throughout the state, with a 19-cents-per-gallon increase in the motor fuel tax in July.

Beginning in 2020, license plate fees will increase $50 annually. An owner of a car under 8,000 pounds will pay $148 per year for vehicle registration.

Owners of electric vehicles would see a steep increase in vehicle registration charges from $17.50 per year to approximately $148 annually plus a $100 fee to account for the motor tax fuel money lost by using electricity.

Taxes on parking garages will also increase on Jan. 1. The six-percent increase to hourly or daily charges and a nine-percent tax on monthly or annual fees is expected to bring in an additional $60 million per year.

Exclusions include government, state university and hospital parking lots. Those with a parking space included with their lease will also be exempt.

Fines associated with passing a stopped school bus and Scott’s Laws violations will also increase on Jan. 1.

Illinois drivers who pass a school bus with a stop arm extended will be fined $300, as opposed to the current $150.

In 2013, Illinois legislators tacked on a $150 fee for motorists who passed a school bus while it was engaged in receiving or disembarking passengers.

Beginning in 2020, repeat offenders will face a $1,000 fine, as opposed to $500, for a second or subsequent offense.

Fines for Scott’s Law offenders are also being increased in 2020 after a spike in violations in 2019. The Move Over Law fee will be increased from $100 to $250. A second violation will carry a $750 fee. Each subsequent violation will add $250 to the previous fee.

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