Through an OSHA-funded training grant aimed at providing safety training to the residential construction industry, the Job-Site Safety Institute (JSI) in partnership with National Association of Home Builders and the Home Builders Association of East Central Illinois is conducting a 4-hour seminar for builders, trade contractors, supervisors and workers entitled Fall Prevention in Residential Construction.
The 4-hour seminar focuses on identifying fall hazards in residential construction, as well as, providing attendees an understanding of the OSHA fall protection regulations and safe work practices to prevent fall-related accidents. While the main focus of the seminar will be a comprehensive review of factors that contribute fall-related accidents, the course will also provide solutions to protect against and arrest falls and how to rescue of a fallen worker.
Possibly the most important part of the seminar is a review of the safe work practices that must be used to minimize the risk of workers falling during home construction operations. Special emphasis will be placed on how to protect stairways, leading edges, window/wall openings and floor holes, how to properly use a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS), how to provide protection from falling objects, and how to prevent falls when working at heights on ladders and scaffolding.
All participants will be encouraged to ask questions and provide examples of their own personal safety experiences on the jobsite.
The seminar will teach attendees how to:
• Recognize common fall hazards in residential construction. • Identify when fall protection is required. • Determine which protection system to use for a given fall hazard. • Understand the key requirements and basic safety practices for each protection system. • Understand the safety requirements and practices for ladders and scaffolding
For more information, visit: or call 217.202.8483
When: Thursday December 12, 2019 – 8:00a-12:30p
Where: iHotel & Conference Center, Champaign
Cost: FREE
How to Register: visit or call 217.202.8483
This material was produced under grant number SH-05122-SH9 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.