The Mahomet-Seymour School Board voted 7-0 to dismiss teacher Robin Holmes Monday night.
Holmes is a first-year non-tenured professional educator licensed employee.
The board offered no comments or discussion on this matter.
Voting board members include Max McComb, Lance Raver, Lori Larson, Cheryl Melchi, Merle Giles, Nezar Kassem and Jenny Park.
The Mahomet Daily reached out to Superintendent Lindsey Hall twice for clarification and received no comment.
All staff is either hired or let go at the March board meeting. This is contractual. They have to let people know what their status is for the coming year. There may be many reasons, including that the person may have only been hired for 1 year, maybe to fill a leave of absence. I don’t know Robin’s position, but I bet she was filling a leave or was hired for only 1 year. I doubt that it has anything to do with her personally but I don’t know that for sure. The board is following the contract by doing this each March. All staff that will be retained also have to be voted on at the March meeting. New hires can take place anytime of the year as the need arises.
Sounds to me like you have a vendetta against the Mahomet Seymour School District. Why because they wont let you nose in on personell issues? First the Articles on the High School and articles on the school board whn they dont give you your way. All you list in the High School Articles is student 1, student 2 etc. How do your “readers” even know if they are students. You arent the Citizen, you only present issues that you want or have something to do with you. Mahomet Dailey is nothing more than a sounding board to make yourself look good. You pick and choose what articles to put in and you ignore people in the village who do great things but do not fit in with your ideals.
I saw this today and an article like this about teachers being dismissed in a likewise manner in Decatur and I feel it is a little unsettling. What is unsettling is not that a non-tenured teacher was dismissed because that happens every year. But why is this being reported with the name of the teacher? Yes, it’s publicly shared information and everyone has the ‘right to know’ but it is totally unnecessary. How many jobs are there that when or if the job doesn’t pan out that your name gets shared like this? There is nothing to for Dr. Hall or the board to comment,…an employee was let go. The reasons are private, just as it would be in most other professions, and unless something illegal happened (which is not the case) should not be reported like this.