
Hazardous Waste Collection Day April 4


The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) will host a one-day Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event in Champaign one April 4, 2020.

Registration for collection is open to all Illinois, but pre-registration, with opens on Feb. 3, must be completed to attend.

An Oct. 26, 2019 collection was scheduled but later canceled. Those who had an appointment scheduled for that date can email recycling@champaignil.gov or call 217-403-4780 to schedule a make-up appointment on April 4.

A 15-minute time slot between the hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. will be assigned to pre-registrants. Online registration will remain open until all slots are full.

Acceptable Items (ONLY THESE ITEMS WILL BE ACCEPTED):  Oil-based paints, paint thinners, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, old gasoline & kerosene, pool chemicals, cleaning products, mercury, household batteries, lead-acid batteries, used motor oil, drain cleaners, lawn chemicals, solvents, antifreeze, hobby chemicals, aerosol paints and pesticides, fluorescent lamp bulbs, old and outdated medicines and pharmaceuticals

NON-Acceptable Items (THESE ITEMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED)Latex-based paints*, agricultural chemicals, business/commercial sector wastes, explosives, fireworks, controlled substances, propane tanks, smoke detectors, farm machinery oil, fire extinguishers, institutional wastes, needles and potentially infectious medical wastes

*To properly dispose of latex-based paint cans, you need to dry out any remaining paint (using newspaper, kitty litter, sand, etc.) & then, after it is completely dry/empty, you can throw the can into your weekly garbage.

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